the police are still looking for the perpetrators of this notorious case. Previously were shown surveillance images of the man who laid his head on the window of the Fayrouz Lounge.

The camera images Tuesday showing how on Tuesday, March 8th around 01:00 at night the Volkswagen Caddy with Amziebs body left the Mijehof. The car stolen earlier in Utrecht is an hour long unattended, after an explosion follows. A man runs away, almost forgot his bike and drive quickly down the street.


Amzieb’s Friday March 4 last seen in coffeeshop El Guapo in the New Neuve in Amsterdam. He was here with some friends and left alone around 21:00. Since then, his family had no contact with him. ,, It was very unusual because Nabil had always reachable on one of his phones, “police said.

Police Spokeswoman Ellie Lust said in Detection Verzocht that in circles around Amzieb information should be about the murder case, but that there is little willingness to talk about it. ,, We understand that people are afraid, “said Lust. She stressed, however, that the police need information to solve the case.

Small player

According Lust was Amzieb a relatively small player in the Amsterdam criminal environment, but would he to have become involved with the underworld conflict which has already claimed many lives