Saturday, July 2, 2016

CDA wants to introduce conscription: “The connection must return ‘- Yahoo! News

“Those hooligans throwing stones might find it not fun, but it would be good for them.” As far as CDA leader Sybrand Buma, conscription is reinstated.

Buma said in an interview with the AD that it is time that “an end to permissiveness. “We in this society nothing more that our young people are moved out of their social context. After primary school are leading surgeons and truckers never against each other. Everyone is in their own group.”

Starting at ringleaders’

What Buma regard to military service in principle “gradually” be introduced in the Defence, “but may also be effected by the police or care. Required for all.” So for girls, for example, after the high school. That can not suddenly. Let’s start with the ringleaders. There is a very large group that is likely to miss the connection with society. “

The CDA says that this must be a beginning to solve problems in the country.” Citizens of a country also means that you do something together. For example, everyone feels that it is our collective responsibility to defend this country. The connection must go back. We scold, about the government, about others, about Europe. But once someone is asked what he does to the problem, he gets behind his call for them to see the world. And then we scold quietly. “

Security is everyone’s job

That conscription money will cost, Buma does

not see as a problem.” Money may not be the hurdle. For it is very much opposite. Take, for example Switzerland. That has a huge conscript army. There is there a deeply rooted idea that the country’s security is everyone’s responsibility, even if there is not immediate threat of attack “

Welcome to our topic.” Conscription must be entered

How long the service should last? “is talking about the period. A year maybe. Or a half. “


Self Buma incidentally, has never been employed, because to him was rejected on medical grounds. Buma wants a public debate is the question whether to change something in the Netherlands. “we must abandon the commitment. It is fatal if a society loses its mutual bond. “

The CDA leader hopes to accompany other parties ‘right path’.” I do not pretend to have a single solution, but would force a radical change in trend . That service should be. “

Conscription in the Netherlands

The army now consists of professional staff. Yet true in Netherlands still a service; it is not repealed, however, there has been a suspension of compulsory voting since 1 May 1997. Defence therefore calls since August 1, 1996 no new draftees more 17-year-old men do receive a letter stating that they.. registered for the service as long as the government does not reactivate conscripts do not have to report to the compulsory voting

Source:.. Rijksoverheid


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