Friday, October 21, 2016

A73, direction Boxmeer released, file dissolves slowly – The Guardian

HAPS – The A73 in the direction of Boxmeer is Friday afternoon around 15.00 hours and again released. That report Rijkswaterstaat. Earlier tweette the VID that the way up in the evening rush hour close would continue because of previous accidents. It was a total of ten cars involved. Two people are taken to hospital, including a pregnant woman.

As a result of the earlier closure was the movement from Nijmegen completely silent. The file started at Malden. Road users had to deal with a delay of more than an hour. The traffic was slowly moving again after the highway was released.

Some motorists tried the file via the hard shoulder to pass through, but were caught by agents. That have a total of eight fines handed out.

In a northerly direction was traffic even on single lane, after earlier an accident had happened. There is a berger the vehicles afgesleept then the way around 14.00 hours, was open, according to the agency.

According to the police, the traffic chaos caused by an accident at 13.13 hours on the road in the direction of Venray. Here, there were three vehicles on each other. A few minutes later, there was a kijkersfile on the other side of the road, where there are two places for seven cars on each other are met.

All concerned have been checked by ambulance staff.

Below you can see how you need to take a detour. You can read this article in the app, click here for the map.


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