“A shocking development”, says Richard Weurding, director of the Dutch association of Insurers. “Until two years ago, the traffic safety only.”
Weurding assigns three causes for the insecure traffic. “There is more and more distractions while driving, such as smartphones. In addition, the aging infrastructure on the back of the increase in the number of road users.”
“The third cause is the lack of enforcement. For example, there is insufficient verified or motorists to the speed limit keep a 30-kilometerzones, while there have been many accidents. And there is too little enforcement of deliberately negligent behaviour. Huftergedrag so.”
delta project
The insurers find that the next cabinet a ” delta Plan road safety needs to develop. They also want the government more money frees up for safety.
In dangerous locations should the infrastructure be improved, and enforcement of huftergedrag should be more a priority, writes the Covenant. Earlier this month, calling the Public Prosecutor and the ANWB all for more police on the road to verkeersovertreders to address.
also, would the insurers that smartphonegebruik in traffic thoroughly investigated. “Real hard numbers on meandering cyclists and inattentive drivers, there are not,” says director Weurding.
Or the premium of insurance due to the increase of the number of accidents increases, will Weurding not say. “That determine the companies themselves.”
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