Saturday, October 22, 2016

CETA-protesters with tractors bring ambiance in PC Hooftstraat – NOS

The world of international trade treaties, there is a of abbreviations. Where are they and what is the purpose of the treaties?

TTIP: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership must be a vrijhandelsverdrag between the European Union and the United States. There is still to be negotiated. According to proponents, the treaty is good for the market and creates economic growth. Opponents believe that the treaty is especially advantageous for large companies and that it is at the expense of European requirements to, for example, food safety and sustainability.

CETA: the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement is a convention that is similar to TTIP, but between the European Union and Canada. It is in 2014 signed and would be this year, but it is still waiting on final approval. The Walloon government keeps the fees.

TiSA: the Trade in Services Agreement is just as TTIP is a proposed treaty between 23 parties, including the European Union and the United States. The treaty focuses on the service sector. There is still to be negotiated.


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