Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Agreements on CO2 reduction climate summit in Rotterdam – NOS

According to calculations of the consulting company Ecofys goes up to the year 2030 is added to an additional reduction equivalent to the CO2 emissions of 2.2 million households, or the the way get of 7 million passenger cars.

All together in the next thirteen years, an additional 17,6 million tonnes CO2 less will be emitted. That is nearly 9 percent of the total Dutch emissions, according to Ecofys. It comes to measures on top of earlier appointments, such as, for example, last year closed Energieakkoord.

The European target is a reduction of 40 percent in 2030. The climate deal Paris puts countries not a hard limit, but it is expected that the emissions in the coming decades, with dozens of percentage should drop. Some political parties want a reduction of 95 percent is reached in 2050.

According to the reporter, Henrik-Willem Garden are all ambitious numbers not even the most important of the climate summit. “This summit shows that if everyone the same goal, there are suddenly quite a lot can be achieved. No one wants to be left behind as a loser in the great energy transition, which will be taking place.”

No natural gas is more

A major contribution in Rotterdam, it was discussed, needs to come from a so-called CO2 the Smart Grid. That is a network in which the polluters and consumers of CO2 be linked to each other. The greenhouse gas that, for example, by plants is emitted, can be used in horticulture or as a raw material in the chemical industry.

another initiative is the plan of nearly a hundred municipalities and other parties that Dutch houses aardgasvrij want to get, that yesterday was presented. Not only for new construction, existing construction should switch.

global Warming

Partly on the initiative of Dijksma were 1700 participants to the former Van nelle factory to talk about measures. According to the present in Rotterdam, the atmosphere was good; the opposites environmental organization Greenpeace and oliegigant Shell shook the hand. In the morning, had forty large companies have insisted on in a hurry with the retrieve of the klimaatdoelen.

That derive from the agreement of Paris. That was in december 2015, closed at a summit where 195 countries were present.

In Paris, spoke in the countries, among other things, that the warming of the earth must be limited to 1.5 degree. In any case, should the global warming “well below 2 degrees”.


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