Friday, October 21, 2016

Mother also killed a toddler, Nassim (3) in tears in the courtroom – The Guardian

The 18-year-old man who last Koningsdag in Breda, the toddler Nassim doodreed hear today what punishment the prosecution against him demands. The Bredanaar is suspected of wrongful death. Reporter Pieter of Sound is live with the lawsuit.

The prosecutor urged that defendant Elias A. is guilty of death by negligence, because he know that his reckless driving in the residential area could lead to a fatal accident. ,,It can be shown that he was far too hard reed, not paying attention, not fled, and not slowed down,” said the Court,

A. according to the known with the neighbourhood because of his alleged drug trafficking in the near and the fact that he is a hard drugsafnemer had sat. Therefore, the Court him guilty of careless driving. Court: “It is shocking that he immediately realized that he was a child aanreed, over his shoulder looked at and still drove. The defendant has ruthless and calculating-acted in an attempt by the police to stay away. Only when it gets too hot under his feet was, he reported to the police.”

at Least seven family members of Nassim were included in the lawsuit are present, including the mother of the toddler. On behalf of her las a representative of Victims a statement. This, she writes that the lives of the family members are destroyed by the collision, and that her desolate that they turn not in repentance, see on A.

Mother Nassim: ,,When a child is born, the emergence of two new people: a child and his mother. Dies the child dies, the mother also. I’m dead inside and I wonder if it ever well. Why have you not stopped, you got him dozens of meters dragged. Why?”

Elias A. known previously during the interrogation of the judge that the fatal collision are to blame. ,,Yes, I am wrong. I drove and drove,” said the 18-year-old defendant.

According to his psychologist is A. however, ‘slightly retarded’ and he has an IQ of under 70. Because of this, he has difficulty with the assessment of danger and risks. Also he runs in the social area behind his peers and he suffers to the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. The chance that A. again, the error effect is therefore high, said the psychologist.

Last april, reed A. toddler Nassim death on the Veurnestraat in Breda. Two witnesses saw the guy tens of meters was carried away, and that A. then not afremde. Nassim died almost immediately after the collision from his injuries. According to politievoorlichter Willem van Hooijdonk was the little boy playing on the street too.

The suspect drove according to the NFI with 80,7 kilometers per hour through the residential area where Nassim was playing. In the area subject to a speed limit of 30 miles per hour. A. said that he hadn’t and that he is not on his odometer looked during the drive.


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