Axes – Diederik Samsom wants four more years ” to his work to finish', told the Labour party leader Sunday at Fellini Assen. But it will first of all have become quite a job to get back into the government. As confirmed also Samsom.
With the national elections in march 2017 for the door was Samsom Sunday afternoon at the invitation of the Axle to the Labour party gemeenteraadsfractie to the capital city of Drenthe, came. To Fellini to explain what his vision is for the Netherlands. His audience consisted in Assen especially from PvdA’ers. Concerned PvdA’ers.
Because the supporters of the social democrats is substantially decreased in comparison with four years ago. Of the 38 seats won seats when there are according to the latest polls just ten about. The parts of the kabinetslakens with the VVD in the eyes of those following too many concessions and compromises resulted, which are often harmful set out for the left-wing ideology.
Additionally, you should Samsom yet but see if he can, he goes the internal battle with Lodewijk Assher and Jacques Monasch.
On that last wild Samsom little lost. “Even when I have no new word, it wants the Labour party for the next four years it is again to be accountable.' How?, asked the room. With a handful of seats will not work. Samsom was referring to four years ago. “Even when we were so low in the polls. Four weeks later we had 38 seats, were almost the biggest party of the Netherlands. There can so much happen in a short time, we are not desperate.'
Bus missed
That 'drop-outs' are, according to Samsom, for example, people who take the bus of the economic recovery have missed. Less educated, that the employers be discarded for higher educated workforce. 'It hurts me, that higher education graduates now are doing a fine job, but vmbo) and mbo’ers, bus, miss.' Samsom thinks that this problem does not usually resolves itself. “We will take political guidance on need, this you can not only to the business transaction.'
The INSTITUTE, which, according to the PvdA-leader the last years, although it has as a 'dating site', people actually back to work lead. “And there is more manpower, and more money is needed.'
the young people with foreign roots, in the Netherlands, for nuisance concerns, came over. Samsom: 'The third generation, whose mark Rutte says 'if you don’t like it here, go back'. But where to then? Young people are born here! We deal they got and take them to a future in the Netherlands.'
About the future speaking: according to Samson, the button must of sustainability in one time. “That will be something what has never been shown, but it should be. How we are going to save? Windmills, solar panels.' What windmills are concerned realizes Samsom that there is a lot of resistance. Large companies determine where they come from, regardless of, for example, large falls in value of nearby properties.
According to Samsom, the whole approach of wind turbines is wrong. By the to lay down at The Hague and the 'big money' that random locations to designate, for example, the Region now to the bone divided. 'You should citizens participate, the people to who it goes to a voice in. With each other at the kitchen table.'
From the hall, it was suggested that affected residents now what damage, in relation to afgescheept with a tip and many of the homes are financially “under water”. 'And that are usually people who the Labour party have voted.' Samsom does not directly salvation in the increase of the damages. 'Because then you still have to be the initiators, only richer. Again: with z'n all to the table, there together come true. That is a structural solution.'
More statements of Diederik Samsom:
influxes of refugees: ‘it Was a chaos, is now better. Capture, and help (also to get a job in the Netherlands) if it is too unsafe in the own region. Make arrangements with Turkey and Greece. ‘Economic’ refugees from safe countries to help in their own region to build a life.’
300,000 children in poverty in the Netherlands to participate: “By sportfonds, Youth Culture Fund, Foundation Dues.’
market Forces in care: ‘Not entirely to abolish, and flipping to a zorgfonds, such as the SP wants. That takes years and in that time we have not. Better: 1 insurer per region, which is leading, the rest of the insurance companies is next. That prevents forcing up prices and that hospitals have to negotiate with 19 insurers.’
Accessibility to people with disabilities in public space: “Step for step toward a sound policy on that. That takes time, but prevents a fast, but weak execution policy.’
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