The Tax authorities in the problems in the collection of taxes? Some of it sounds like music in the ears. According to tax economist Peter Kavelaars having people employed, little advantage is to be expected, but fraudulent entrepreneurs laugh may have in their sleeve.
“The apron for years, good control of the tax liability. Small business owners know this generally, and would be a gamble,” says Kavelaars, professor of Fiscal Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and affiliated with Deloitte. “After today’s report, I see that, unfortunately, not improve quickly.”
The structural problems in the Tax administration through a commission are summarized in 176 pages. The conclusion: it is an organisational chaos, the finances are not in order and there is a shortage of staff. The risk exists therefore that the collection of taxes in jeopardy, says state secretary Wiebes that just will go on.
state Secretary Wiebes of Finance admits that he “tenacity” of it on their own account operations of the Tax authorities has been underestimated.
Kavelaars also thinks that in the area of taxation, very little will change in the coming years. That process is largely automated and takes very little manpower.
But the control of the declarations and the collection of it is labor-intensive work. Previously, according to Kavelaar the standard for the five year control. “Now there are cases in which the control only after twenty years.”
After five years, it is a missed collection if it were statute-barred. “So if you after twenty years, only checks, the tax money of fifteen years will be lost.” That will cost the Tax office, and so also the Dutch treasury, annually a lot of money.
Where do you get those hundreds of people so quickly?
Peter Kavelaars, professor of Fiscal Economics
With paychecks from employers there is very little to defraud. Small business owners can have a piece of ‘creative’ work. “For them, the risk of fraud is quite large,” says the professor. “They control their own finances and there are all sorts of deductions. The control on this process are lagging far behind.”
The probability of detection is, according to Kavelaars relatively small and large amounts. He estimates that the tax authorities, is estimated at 275 to 300 million euros missing from horecaondernemers, a sector that black work is quite susceptible to fraud.
“The investigative committee points out that the problem is not easy to solve. There are simply a lot of new people,” says Kavelaars. He also fears that the process can take years. “Where do you get those hundreds of people so quickly? You must also train.”
Earlier this year, ceo Hans Leijtens in the Tax office because of the out of hand reorganization. The service suffers since 2005, with persistent problems:
The chaotic reorganization of the Tax administration the collection of taxes in jeopardy. That concludes the commission, under the leadership of Tjibbe Joustra. But there are already a lot of longer problems with the service.
The average age of officials in the beleaguered government agency is 53 years. “That is, of course, terrible. A: you need young people needed within an organization. And b: most of the officials go over a short time away and there is already a shortage of people,” explains Kavelaars.
The chaos in the Tax administration is, according to him, due not only to the board. The ministry of Finance, where the service falls under, is responsible. “That the Tax department has to many are let go in the reorganization. Since the ministry is more alert.”
Kavelaars hopes that the problems to be addressed promptly, also to a signal to belastingfraudeurs. “It is important to show that you are as Tax authorities and put them in the holes.”
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