Saturday, January 28, 2017

SP wants to reach the AOW pension age back to 65 years –

The SP wants that the AOW again starts from the age of 65. The largest opposition party, has Saturday, decided its election program to sharpen.

Until now, went to the socialists for a flexible retirement age, allowing people over 65 years of age would be able to stop working.

The SP has the space found to the state pension age to reduce to 65 years of age, says party leader Emile Roemer in a meeting of the partijraad in Amersfoort. The money needs to come from measures against tax avoidance by large companies, and a miljonairstaks.

“Where other parties have reached the AOW pension age doorstijgt far beyond the 70 years, we put him on 65. People who have years and years of hard work have had can, therefore, relieved breath. A fine old day and a good pension is achievable and affordable,” says Roemer. In the election programme was already an increase of the AOW benefits by 10 percent.

The SP states that AOW with 65 also helps in the fight against the still high unemployment among the elderly and young people. “Then you have to arrange that people who want to quit with 65 of them. In this way you prevent pointless to apply by the elderly and care at the same time you that there are more jobs available for young people,” said Roemer.

the current accelerated increase in the state pension the state pension age in 2060 on 71,5 years, emphasises the SP-part. “Forget is that we, on average, maybe older but that we are not necessarily longer in health life. The average life expectancy of men of 60 is, for example, with 5 years increased, but the number of healthy life years only took 3 years.”



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