Sunday, January 22, 2017

So skate safe(er) on the natural ice – breaking News

The KNSB warns that the natural ice in many places is still not thick enough for ice skating. Still on the ice? Do it as safe as possible.

It has a couple of nights, quite frozen, but the ice on the canals, ponds and lakes is in most places still unreliable. However, many schaatsliefhebbers the temptation today not to resist the iron to bind, with here and there a wet suit.

For those who have a weak natural ice despite the warnings, want to try out, has the schaatsbond a list of tips prepared. So skate you as safe as possible on natural ice.


  1. never Go alone on the ice. Go at least in pairs skating and, preferably, with a small group. And let the people at home know where you are going ice skating.
  2. get the height of the local ijssituatie. The quality of natural ice varies by region. If you have the location where you will be skating do not know, ask the local ijsclub or on the natural ice near safe skating. Or look at You come along the way other skaters, it is wise for them, too, to the conditions of the ice.
  3. Take rope, ice pick, ijsstok and a whistle. With a 'natural ice security set', consisting of a special ice pick and a piece of rope, you can get yourself out of a weak draw or any other help that the ice has dropped. With a ijsstok you can the thickness of the ice test, and with the whistle, you can remotely let people know where you are and you need help.
  4. Wear head protection. A helmet protects your head during a fall and thus contributes to the prevention of (brain)injury. If you schaatst with a helmet, it is important that this helmet is a fall on the head, good captures, but also that it has no pointed shape on the back and that there is no schaatsijzer by.
  5. Concern for well fitting and sharp skates. With competitive skating, you will have more grip on the ice and you stand so much more stable. Check your skates regularly, so that you are not right for the departure should take measures.

On the ice

  1. Make sure that you are on the 'approved' ice cream schaatst. Flooded pieces of land and landijsbanen of ijsclubs are the places where “safe” skating can be. Here you can see which natuurijsbanen open. If it freezes, to guarantee the by the ijsclubs of the KNSB organized tours the best possible safety.
  2. Note on color changes, edges and cracks in the ice. At the change in colour of the ice can the quality of the ice also be different. Don’t be aangevroren edges with a different (greenish-yellow) color in mind windwakken. This can also frost a long time to remain open and a decent size. Nevertheless, they are frozen, then they can be a thin layer of ice. Note also the cracks in the ice. If you stuck with a skate or hit, you can ugly fall. Try as much as possible, but with you skate over the cracks to go.
  3. use extreme Caution on bridges, birds, reeds, aquatic plants and overhanging branches. bridges, birds, reeds, aquatic plants and overhanging branches of trees is the ice in most cases unsafe. At low bridges you also need to watch your head. Even a slight collision can cause serious injuries.
  4. Keep a sufficient distance from each other. never Drive next to each other, but always behind each other with sufficient (10 ft) spacing. You can see better what is going on with the ice, or in sudden congestion or a crash for you are still dodging. Skate also on the good side, and never against the flow.
  5. Ice cream walkant, especially the side where the sun shines, it is always weaker. Take a big step if you like the shore, the ice on the steps, and see where others safe the ice is gone.
  6. Make sure that you go for the dark at home. In the dark skating is, by definition, be life-threatening. You can be poor and weak ice is not recognize, and if you by the ice bags, then you can in the dark, or bad bearings. And if that happens, also affect the workers, literally, in the dark where they need to be to be able to help.
  7. never Go skating on ice where snow lies on. If snow has fallen and the ice has not been swept, it is extremely dangerous to go ice skating. Are you under the ice come up and there is no snow on the ice, swim to the dark spot, here you through the ice gone. Is there still snow on it, swim over to the light section.

See all the tips of the KNSB.

RTL News


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