The lijsttrekkers of the four largest parties on Sunday February 26, the fight with each other in the RTL-Premiersdebat, the first tv debate in the election campaign. The participants are invited on the basis of the Bearing pointer. If the differences in the polls are too small, get more party invitations.
This RTL has today campagneteams let you know. The debate is in the Red Hat is held in Amsterdam. RTL News decided on February 13, which the parties definitively to be invited to the debates.
The Bearing of the Leiden political scientist Tom Louwerse combines five polls and try to use the best possible estimate of electoral support for the parties, since the previous National. If the difference between the number four and five is too small, or, as the Bearing pointer that calls it, ‘non-significant’, then also the runner-up invited. The percentage in the kiezersgunst that the fourth party will prevail. Theoretically it is possible that the difference with the sixth too small; who will also receive an invitation.
At the current position in the Bearing is, as in the CASE 1, the VVD on 2 and the CDA 3. D66 is on the fourth place, but the difference with Green is to small. SP and PvdA are still at too great a distance of the number 4.
Democratic process
“We quotes – as we always have done – on a openingsdebat with the biggest parties, but also look good to the democratic process,” says deputy editor Pieter Klein. In 2006, the confrontation Balkenende-Bos-organized; the distance to other parties was great. In 2010, initially between Balkenende and Wilders, but were later Job Cohen and Mark Rutte, due to their rise in the polls will also be invited. In 2012 increased Diederik Samson suddenly in popularity, so that he in the Premiersdebat still the swords could cross it with Rutte, Wilders and the SP-leader Roemer.
“As always, we look not only to the debatformat, but also to what a reasonable decision, given the landslide proportions,” says Small. In 2012, RTL Nieuws is not only the average of the polls, but also the current number of seats of a party. “That seemed to us this time not well defensible. It would not do justice to the huge shifts that we since then, in elections for city council and the provincial states have seen and which are now reflected in the polls. It would be some parties that are in advance in advance to exclude from participation.”
A week after the Premiersdebat loves to RTL News, together with BNR Nieuwsradio and Elsevier on Sunday, march 5, the Carré-debate. To do this, the eight largest parties are invited.
RTL News
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