Sunday, January 18, 2015

Samson open attack on CDA and D66 –

Samson open attack on CDA and D66 –

“CDA and D66 want to put the knife in the care of teachers’ salaries, benefits,” he said, and will be used according to him, the PvdA the recovery of the economy in order to fund new requirements.

According to him, go to the elections on the struggle between the parties “that have made possible the recovery and parties who want to break the recovery in the bud by cutting additional social security and health care.”

“In the Second room we win that battle, but if we fight in the Senate depends on the outcome of the elections on 18 March, “said Samson.


According to him, the reducing unemployment and a stronger and more sustainable economy, the tasks for the future.

It is necessary, in his review of the tax system. “With lower taxes on work, a fairer tax on capital and greener tax on consumption,” said Samson.

In his speech, said he continues to not want to return to the days of “negative non-compromise”. “If you do not come to my mortgage, I do not come to your dismissal. Bange politics, bad for the country.”

He admits that the Labour Party has maintained for too long not reform the dismissal. “Our pride in untouched dismissal hit slowly into doubt when I saw how frighteningly fast the army grew flex workers, without any protection. What they did to our tough intransigence?”

Labour Congress holds the courage


During the conference was the Labour Party summit twice good way. Thus, a motion was rejected to stop the plan of VVD minister Edith Schippers (Public Health) to limit the free choice of doctor.

A strong plea was to sitting senator and former party chairman Ruud Koole back to put on the list of candidates finally not supported

By:. NOW. en / Lucas Benschop


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