On the first day of the campaign for the regional elections on March 18 really erupted, ogled Prime Minister Mark Rutte Saturday especially to the opposition. His cabinet of VVD and PvdA has no majority in the Senate and the government parties stand in the polls at a hefty loss. The Provincial Council elect the Senate
“We can enhance any difference and together fly flare, but that does not move us forward,” said Rutte in Breda are VVD kicked off the campaign. His coalition is already working with D66, Christian Union and SGP. But Rutte soon as possible even with three ‘friendly opposition parties’ no longer a majority in the Senate. In an interview with the Volkskrant he specifically mentioned the Christian Democrats and the Greens to work with.
‘Strong shift
CDA leader Sybrand Buma does not heat the words of Rutte . He told the NOS News that the government must first come up with other plans and should change course. “Then the CDA will support what is good.”
According to Rutte, the country needs “clarity and stability.” Therefore, the path should be continued. But that policy D66 would have more impact if they win a lot and the polls this manner. “If the situation in the Senate after the elections” firmly shift “then should be honored more wishes D66 party leader Alexander Pechtold announced.
His party began the campaign in Utrecht. “We must not lie still. Then pops the ship from the shore or get it into the bank, “says Pechtold. He wants the government is making progress with the reform of the tax and energy renewal.
On energy Pechtold will be Labour leader Diederik Samson at his side. Who called the government namely in Leeuwarden to invest more in renewable energy. Furthermore, he mentioned are not met the “unpalatable” as the agreements in the Energy Agreement. In it, the government made agreements with trade unions, employers and the environmental movement about energy efficiency and cleaner energy.
Samson repeated no new cuts to want to restore not break the button. That is against the sore spot Pechtold. Which says that the government continues to spend too much money in the coming years and it must economize. He wants to cut more in the automatic indexation of government
how is it possible that this man ,, ,, ,,, president is not filming, so by Netherlands !! all new jobs, especially on the moon !!