Thursday, February 26, 2015

Students occupied since last night Maagdenhuis –

Students occupied since last night Maagdenhuis –

26-02-15 09:45 – Source: Het Parool

© anp

Breaking News

Some two to three hundred students last night Maagdenhuis invaded, some of them already occupied Bungehuis. The occupiers kicked around 19:30 in front of the building. Meanwhile, Education Minister Jet Bussemaker invited them for an interview


What do the occupiers of the Maagdenhuis?

1. Democratic election of the university administration.
2. No investment returns, but for kwalitieit.
3. Discontinuation of reforms.
4. Referendums on cooperation between the UvA and VU.
5. Permanent contracts instead of flexible appointments.
6. An open debate on housing costs compared to cuts in education and research.

There will be a lecture in the main hall © Laura Obdeijn

Van der Laan state last night to talk to the students © anp

© anp

The group of protesters for the Maagdenhuis. © Lori Anne van Gelder

© Lori Anne van Gelder

Of the hundreds of students who occupy the Maagdenhuis last night, there are about 30 left. They have stayed in the property. Everyone is welcome in the property, also employees of the UvA can just get to work, according to the occupiers. However, the security guards have offices sealed to prevent in the case of evacuation, students spread throughout the building.

Last night around quarter to ten came Louise Gunning, President of the Executive Board of the University of Amsterdam, to the Maagdenhuis. She asked the occupants to leave the building. “If you are democratic, then you do not take possession of another’s property. I will not let you take possession of this property. ” Around half past 11 they left the building, whereas the occupiers loud ‘resignation’ chanted.

At that time the University of Amsterdam filed charges against the invasion of the Maagdenhuis because of breach of the peace. This makes it possible for the police to invade the university building.

Then came Mayor Van der Laan around midnight along with chief Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg to Maagdenhuis to talk with the students. “I’m not leaving until all questions have been answered,” said Van der Laan. “I understand your problems, but that does not mean I support your actions.”

At half past two the mayor went back home. He concluded by saying, “I wish you wisdom, a little harmony and better to study.”

Spontaneous occupation
Tivadar Vervoort of Humanities Rally says the raid was not planned, but that “the anger was so great that we went through.” The protesters say are not present in the building to “make a mess”, but to discuss.

The invasion of the university building follows a demonstration that began at 17:00 when Bungehuis, the university building that was evacuated yesterday after an occupation. The group then went through several university buildings to the Maagdenhuis. Since names of speakers from various organizations the word.

SP MP Jasper van Dijk asked from the sidewalk of the Maagdenhuis to a huge applause for the occupants of the Bungehuis. “Protesting sense. Protesting is alive. ” He called for a referendum among UvA students and staff around whether the current board of the university can remain.

Busy, Block
During the demonstration, protesters carried signs with slogans such as “Down with the CVB. All power to students and teachers, “” Small group huh ?! Louise, “” Away from us Maagdenhuis ‘and’ more participation, more democracy. ” For Maagdenhuis chanted the group lustily: “We are not afraid!” And “Down with the government!”

After the speeches knew a group of protesters after some struggle with security guards to climb the steps of the UvA property. “Busy, block. This policy cock I do not ‘was chanted lustily.

Big turnout demontratie
For the protest march had on Facebook than 1,500 people signed up. Tom Hoven, president of the National Union of Students LSVb, was impressed by the turnout. “It is really clear that students and teachers want more participation and transparency. As long as the government does talk to us, but do not listen, we will continue to take action. ”

During the demonstration were not only students of the University of Amsterdam present, but also include Utrecht. The police called a ‘good’ atmosphere and a great turnout.

The march was organized by twelve different student organizations, including The New University (responsible for the occupation of the Bungehuis) Humanities Rally UvA ASVA student union and the National Union of Students

(By: Lori Anne van Gelder and Laura Obdeijn).

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