Thursday, February 26, 2015

Fleeing burglars collided head-on former minister –

Fleeing burglars collided head-on former minister –

Video Police have released images of the head-on collision between former minister Marja van Bijsterveldt and four burglars. The images show how the men on top of the car blows and flee. The motorist was on trial today for the Hague court.

Former minister Marja van Bijsterveldt came thanks to ‘a guardian angel and her good BMW with a fright. © anp.

The spectacular images from showing the police helicopter how a patrol car on the Rijksstraatweg in Den Hoorn in November green Toyota Corolla haunts for a botched burglary in Schipluiden. Juri behind the wheel and thinks that the agents’ want to drive past him. ” ,, I saw flashing lights and then slid to the left. ”

The court wonders why. ,, You can remain better right away, you also have no driver’s license. “Juri: ,, You say it yourself, I do not know the rules. ”

leftwards means driving against traffic. Born Delft sees no oncoming traffic, but is suddenly panicked. With two outstanding community service in his name, he just wants to be caught. ,, At the last moment, just before the accident, I fled, ” as G. explains his wild ride.

Then loom the headlights of the BMW Marja van Bijsterveldt on. Frontal he flips on top, making the nose of her BMW into the ditch ends and the police car pops behind the Toyota. Miraculously, the former minister without a scratch, but the two agents come less fortunate: the one has a whiplash, the other is struggling with muscle injuries

The three other passengers held in the Toyota, while G. . swim to the other side of the adjacent canal. He pulls himself up and runs hard way, through ditches and sports fields. The police helicopter following his flight. Near Delft he was arrested.

It’s a wild chase, following a botched burglary at a home in Schipluiden. The 60-year-old resident comes home earlier that afternoon and sees two men on the landing. “Get out, otherwise you tap ‘, one of them bites him. The victim asks what they want. “Get out or I’ll shoot,” says the burglar.

He flashes his surge weapon. Yet the occupant slaps the men of his house. Outside, he sees a third. The trio runs off.

G. ‘Has to do absolutely nothing with it, but do want to tell you what he did do in Schipluiden. Toyota he takes the day without asking with a friend. ,, If ‘black’ taxi to earn some money, ” he explains. G. picks up a knowledge and three others and put them down in Schipluiden, no idea at what address. ,, Moments later they called me to come back. ”

About a burglary talk ‘customers’ are not. So he drives his own words unsuspecting away until he sees a police car. ,, I knew that Toyota was not mine and am very brash proceed, ” said G. on subsequent flights. ,, I offer my sincere apologies to all concerned. ”

For the plaintiff it is obvious that G. driving the getaway car of the burglars, and in a weird way. ,, Ignore stop signs, driving on the left lane, you drove like a madman. ”

After two pilot violated times of previous convictions will the Prosecution that G. 14 months in jail. ,, This was much worse can walk. For me, have you had your chances. ”

The decision follows two weeks.


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