Police, prosecutors and mental health (mental health) fail in the assessment of the danger that confused people can make to society. This situation must be improved as soon as possible
The Hoekstra Committee calls this the main conclusion of the investigation into what went wrong around Bart U. He is suspected of killing former minister Els Borst (81) and his sister.
The report will be presented Thursday at the head of the Public Ministry, Herman Bolhaar. The top of the OM issued in February commissioned this study.
U. since January 12 is fixed for killing his sister in Rotterdam. Meanwhile, a DNA trace revealed that he also has to allow for the violent death of Chest in February last year. The prosecution has previously indicated that Van U. against the wishes of the OM has never been treated for delusions. Although he had had previous contact with the law was no DNA material collected from him.
U. had reported several times to the police to serve a jail sentence which he previously by the court in The Hague had received for illegal possession of weapons. Although there was a court order for arrest, he did not end in prison.
The research shows that taking DNA from convicted not going well. The execution of orders of judges also should be improved for this purpose. It should be much better handled signals about people who are dangerous because they have mental problems. ,, This calls for a better and more immediate approach, emphasizes the Commission.
,, When Bart U. no DNA has decreased, whereas it should have been under the current legislation ” the researchers conclude. ,, That legislation is complicated and responds by problems in the implementation does not meet the objective of the law. ”
This situation is partly the OM to charge, says the commission. The functioning of the prosecution needs to improve in this area. The committee Hoekstra calls for the taking of DNA when someone is arrested. Now this only happens after a conviction
All this austerity and privatization, the bottom line always creates a negative balance. Well if you’re going to change something good to change and under pressure from lobbyists and senior officials useless where you’re not withstand as minister and state secretary. It always goes so!
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Yes they themselves ask to keep up and the misery will be greater than the cost of proper care but the government will not sit with. So just keep that.
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all government fails, cut the savings and shit on the consequences. this was already the case for predictable.
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As a police officer I can say that we are too crazy about it. Again and again to people like that far. And if you take them (often with a lot of resistance / weersrtand), they are reviewed by an idealist, who is not waiting for a paper shop of IBS (involuntary) and they therefore in most cases, but let go. A report of the resistance does not make sense, because they are all non-accountable. You crazy is that zieligheidsindrustrie in NL.
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Joh really? And to that conclusion a special commission to come after there is a politician with such cases murdered. May I openly wonder whether this committee there had also been the victim had been normal Piet Muggle from Lutjebroek? This committee was not necessary though. They had just need to listen to people in the field. They had t be able to tell as well. Could have been a lot cheaper.
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What a shame, they have not actually punish the man, but help geven.Dat motley crew to be packed to !!!!! all of it (should) know, but just being lax and probably LAZY !!!! Another travesty weigh failure behavior, their had to be put once in a clinic, and see what comes out of their test, think very little !!!!!
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The police do anything with it, may also have no sense of purpose but we still psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. On yes, forget that the health sector and that is to hell courtesy of VVD and PvdA.
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There is more loose than that helped is sad thanks to our fine government.
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And again shows that what on paper is all taken care of is not true in practice. Approximately each study, of any commission, creates this type of conclusions. The dysfunction of the government has rarely affect the mistake maker (s) involved so we will about these types of regularly read. I find that unacceptable.
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What fails there are now no ?????????????
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confused approach fails. KNOCKING! the “government” still running around loose and causing irreparable damage.
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Approach confused people fail? It’s quite true, yesterday a confused man scolding all claimants ran for labbekak. And that man is still not addressed. But seriously, it’s really absurd that we create here a sudden pressure because a former minister was killed there. Therefore it did not seem interesting for politics. Now that one of their group to the victim made one suddenly stands on the rear legs.
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Who can tell me what is going to be okay in this country
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Not only fails to address confused people, fails the entire approach in healthcare. There is only one word for it, SHAME !!!
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And then the DNA required cede proponents forward again, well, something stupid is not because the government is not safe.
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The society is not feasible, because it is too complex for. I regularly see people confused with something strange behavior walking down the street. Which lets you lock all difficult or monitor. Moreover, a lot of confused people do not recognize, they live a very normal life, house, tree, animal, and suddenly they kill their whole family off. Such a nice report with such an outcome, but totally useless.