In the National Heat Plan which begins Tuesday are all sorts of measures and tips to do something against the dangers and inconvenience of sustained high temperatures. KNMI expects the maximum temperature from Tuesday, at least four days exceeds 27 degrees. That’s for the National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM) reason to take effect the plan
The discomfort of Heat can be limited according to the RIVM by paying attention to the following points in the plan:
– Drink enough . Make sure you drink plenty of fluids even if you do not feel thirsty. You drink too much when you urinate less than usual or if the urine is dark in color. Remember that you also lose unnoticed much fluid through perspiration. Moderate alcohol use. Make sure you always have a bottle of water handy, especially when you go out or go by car on the road
-. Keep yourself cool . Wear light clothing. Stay in the shade and limit physical exertion in the afternoon (between 12:00 and 16:00). Take advantage of the cooler morning and evening to do some shopping or walking. Take a (foot) bath or shower and cool off under a tree or in the water
-. Keep your home cool . Warming of the house can be reduced by making timely use of blinds, fan or, if available, air conditioning. Make sure to keep permanent ventilation through open vents and windows ajar. Provide extra fresh air by opening windows and / or doors at times when it’s cooler outside, like evening, night and morning
-. Make sure each . Please note that in warm weather additional people in your area who may be able to use your help. This is especially true during the holiday season, when families and carers can be gone.
In most homes and nursing homes are much needed cooling ice cream and extra water distributed. Inhabitants are in many cases to drink half hour. Older people are particularly vulnerable, especially if they perspire less and less thirsty. Medication can increase dehydration and dullness
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