Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Pechtold late cooperate tax reform above market hang –

This appears Wednesday during the main debate about tax reform.

According to Pechtold the ambition of the government will continue to implement a serious tax reform far behind.

“The government does not care clearly what it wants, “he says at the end of the debate. “The government is committed to tax cuts, but not on jobs, simplification and greening.”

It bothers Pechtold last year it was announced that the tax reform should generate 100,000 jobs. The plans now on the table will probably not even make the half.

The D66 leader wants with his group considering whether it makes sense to continue to talk. Possibly he first makes the Cabinet to come up with an ambitious plan

Video:. D66 is considering further say in tax planning


Prime Minister Mark Rutte had to acknowledge that the ambition to 100,000 jobs To create the tax reform does not seem to be taken to go.

According to him, this has to do with the wishes of the opposition parties. “If you want to take into account the wishes of the House then the buttons where you can turn to begrensder then when you get there freely philosophizing,” said Rutte.

Pechtold did rattle this explanation. According to him, evidenced by only tax cuts boost employment. The measures as the VAT increase hardly provide jobs, says Pechtold

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In any case, Christian Union, GroenLinks SGP and to talk with. The coalition also has D66 needed for a majority in the Senate.


Despite the critical tone of Pechtold, keep Rutte confidence in the course of the negotiation process. “I am hopeful that he sit down,” Rutte said after the debate.

According to the premier, the opposition parties now have the opportunity to really arrive at a system revision and that the Cabinet D66 hard for necessary to achieve a majority in the Senate. “Now there are opportunities.”


The coalition had previously indicated during the debate by providing the negotiations on tax reform space to talk about all parts of the package.

In particular, the Christian Union leader Arie Slob and Green frontman Jesse Klaver urged that must be spoken throughout the tax package.

Slob and Clover argued that the government previously impressed raised the first five billion tax cuts established for workers and the opposition can only say on other components including the VAT measure.

Rutte confirmed that one can speak about everything, but did not want the debate discuss parts of the package. That would provide him the chance of success to be limited to a total agreement

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SP leader Emile Roemer and CDA leader Sybrand Buma continued to decline during the debate to talk to the coalition and several other opposition parties on the revision of the tax plan.

the SP accused the coalition that plans are not positive for elderly and social minima. Labour leader Diederik Samson failed to overtake him to negotiate with it yet.

Positive elements

Buma was called in vain by various opposition parties agree to negotiate. The CDA had to recognize that there are positive elements in the plan and therefore do not rule out that he will agree so.

In particular, the improved position of middle income and the increase in employment accosted him . Buma did, however to not cooperate with tax shifts, such as the VAT increase and the shift to municipal tax.


From a Wednesday letter sent Wiebes shows that Dutch-working lower income and middle income benefit most from the tax measures that the government last Friday proposed.

Social minimums and old age pensioners go into purchasing power hardly progressed

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