The PvdA-fraction of the municipality of Hoorn has a declaration made against the treasurer. According to the political party, would the treasurer have the money taken out of the Labour party, cash that is not for partijdoeleinden was intended. Also, there are payments made to people who have nothing to do with the party.
“Unfortunately, it appears that the treasurer, despite the controls that the Labour party has built, however, money has been able to off and record,” says the group on its website.
According to a source in the Noordhollands Dagblad the man would approximately 10,000 euro have captured. The party wants the amount referred to themselves, however, not confirm. “Because of this study, there were no further announcements have been made about this matter”, responds the party.
The treasurer has his membership terminated. Now there is an investigation to see where the money has gone. The secretary of the department of Horn is appointed temporarily as treasurer.
It is not the first time that a member of the Labour party into disrepute. Last month it was announced that a former city council member from Vlaardingen is suspected of being a disabled person, an elderly friend to have decided.
Association General Dutch Handicapped Organisation (ANGO) did at the beginning of this year filed charges against a councillor from the municipality of Oldenzaal, because he money would have been stolen from the partijkas, and in 2013, stolen a Labour party councillor in Utrecht 26.241 euro of the Utrecht Straatnieuws.
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