Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Chaos at TO leak out of Commission Secretly –

    That it appears from the documents that The Telegraph through an appeal to the freedom of information Act has been given. Because there is so much time between the leak and the actual research was, was that research more difficult, it held a parliamentary commission later. The memories of those involved were, after all, faded.

    In the justitieonderzoek was checked to see which group or person secret information had leaked to a journalist. The research, by the Public Ministry, the name 'Veldbies', eventually led to nothing. That came out so it may be due to the long delay.

    Prosecution still possible?

    the documents show that initially not even clear how and whether a politician or person prosecuted for the leak of staatsgeheime information, that is legally seen as ambtsmisdrijf. The scientific office of the Public Ministry had first a study to do. Finally put it down, because in the Constitution that the command to prosecution of a Member of parliament in a ambtsmisdrijf only by the government or the Second Chamber can be given. The Room was then to turn, but a special commission found no suspicious and gave no command to prosecution.

    SEE ALSO: Samsom: not leaked out of commission-Secretly

    The declaration of the breach of the duty of confidentiality was on march 13, 2014 made by the chairman of the commission secretly', VVD-chairman Zijlstra. A sign of the getreuzel: the first communication of the ORDER on the subject is only of August.

    Slow response

    From the revealed e-mails show that there is slow response by the Public Ministry. “The declaration is all of march 2014. I assume we are in that light, still 3 weeks to the official may hold. What do you think", asks an employee of the Public Ministry in August, the leadership of the ORDER. “If, in the meantime, from the research nothing to ‘outside’ will indeed”, the answer is, of Gerrit van der Burg, who is a member of the college of procurators-general. From other emails it appears that there are holidays over, go for it, the answer will be and that staff are all on Thursday have a nice weekend wishes. Also, it is clear that the four months it took for the opinion of the scientific bureau of the ORDER was forwarded.

    At the time of the research were political groups in the committee have questioned. In addition to political groups in september 2014 were studied, was also the registrar of the commission under the microscope, appears from the documents. It was further investigated whether ministers (ministers or secretaries of state) are also criminally prosecuted could be.


    The department of minister Van der Steur (Security and Justice) also became involved in the research, then with senior officials Gerard Ruffle (former director-general Justice and law Enforcement) and its successor, Arie IJzerman was spoken. The draft for the call was the call took place already by Jan Watse Fokkens (former attorney-general of the High Council), Herman Bolhaar shared. What exactly is being discussed, is weggelakt, as well as large parts of the research. In september it was 'NN' suspicious, which stands for 'nomen nescio', 'name unknown' means. “Once the examination a suspect identifies, will there be a new beslismoment.” If you have questions of The Telegraph, that the investigation into this matter revealed, was the end of 2015, remember information, and the newspaper was misinformed, it can also be seen from the documents.

    SEE ALSO: Sneak must stiekemer

    The Telegraph made the request to these official documents in February 2016. Despite repeated requests for prompt settlement and a valid objection, the Public Prosecutor, almost a year after it occurred, pass over the bridge with the documents. A source reports that the Public Prosecutor’s office the documents had previously wanted to publish, but that was blocked because of having the consent of minister Van der Steur was needed, which is a long time left to wait. The ministry of Security and Justice says, however, that is not the case. The minister was, according to his spokeswoman the information only in december of the ORDER, gave permission for publication and was the last weeks busy with the question of how the Room reported had to be.

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