Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Silent marches disaster – Telegraaf.nl

Silent marches disaster – Telegraaf.nl

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For minutes maintains a deafening applause at the house of the deceased Bryce Fredriksz and Daisy Oehlers in Rotterdam. Tears flow. People feel connected. You’ll never walk alone, is chanted. And that message arrives

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 New York Rotterdam Photo: Dijkstra
Duiven Pigeons Photo: Jean Marc Regelink
 Roosendaal Roosendaal Photo: Gerard of Sacrifice

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“This tour gives strength,” says an emotional Silene, the mother of 23-year-old Bryce who was with his girlfriend on board the fatal flight MH17. Her husband Rob is doing this seamlessly. “I’m speechless. So hot. “

Thousands of people marched yesterday evening along the journey through Ommoord to honor., The young couple Friends, family, Feyenoord supporters, pupils of SV Ommoord, grandparents of fat in the ninety years old. Father Rob: “We are a family, color does not matter. The Netherlands has been hit. Hurts like hell that Bryce is gone. Not just for me, for all of us. The whole world seems lost. “

His son wanted his girlfriend to enjoy a vacation in Bali. The beloved couple that seemed to be made for each other would take a break after the death of the mother of Daisy (20). They never arrived in Indonesia, but were shot out of the sky over Ukraine. They almost had the disaster not missed flight, because Bryce had forgotten the tickets.

“Two young men were drawn from life. That’s hard for me to find a place for, even if I accept it anyway. I’ve only peace if two old people die, “said an excited Mayor Ahmed Abou Taleb. He interrupted his vacation with his wife to run

Rob:. “Their death is so terribly pointless. Why? Here, we will never get an answer. Never, but it may never happen again. “


Roosendaal was killed Tuesday night the Rose Daler Bart Lambregts commemorated. Lambregts sat with his girlfriend Astrid Hornikx the plane of Malaysia Airlines to Ukraine from the sky above was shot. More than 1,500 people were at the memorial meeting at the Tongerloplein present.


Pigeons in a silent march held on Tuesday evening, the family Newbie. The call of the organization was to come in white. Along the route, many people had hung the flags at half mast. In the town a minute’s silence was held and gave the mayor, who also was walking in the parade, a speech. After that, more than 200 white balloons into the sky behind. After the launching of the balloons flowers were laid and the condolence register was signed by the present Pigeon Spikes. According to the organization, there were over 700 people come down on the initiative

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