Former MP Hero Brinkman of the PVV as legal psychologists in his current role as detective a 23-year-old Amsterdam student knowingly allow for a serious crime pay
He knew that they could not be the culprit. Justice of the matter is up to date, but wanted last night there on that.
The television’s knowledge now of the NTR late tonight to see during a broadcast how Brinkman and a fellow detective of the Amsterdam police the student in November talked to during interrogation to a false confession.
The woman had reported to the police in the investigation of a caféruzie which a visitor was stabbed with a glass. Camera images in which the student was seen outside, the police were presented in a screening program as images of the culprit.
Brinkman stands one hundred percent behind the interrogation. Read more in The Telegraph today
Corruption is rampant, especially in the policy itself. This is also another example. Police, politics, etc. His power bodies do what they want and nothing really serious look. Scoring is the only starting point. Besides, the weather is almost election time? The PVV is called again while here has nothing to me. But the PVV must definitely be put in a bad light because they are afraid of them. Can the PVV not have his own opinion? Disgusting.
Why must the PVV be overtaken again there ????? war that has now had to deal with such a quack which punishment has been that person they now need to give him a hefty fee there for that person.
This Brinkman, in the past for the compromise of the PVV as a reward although not deugend again taken into favor with the police. Now to try the elections draw near again as requested damaging the PVV. About fear and wipe Wilders said. Brinkman and this lends itself well to such practices as evidenced by past deeds. It is in these circles still: turn deserves another.
The PVV had here was indeed not mentioned having to worden.Brinkman started for himself as 2nd Kamerlid.hij had nothing with the PVV doen.Dat Brinkman in this unreliable would be, knew every PVV there long after the stab in the back of Wilders.
That expvv assists yeah there are people who do not know who he is.Hij’s been away for a while there because he wanted to have democracy in the party instead dictoriaal.Dus it is listed, can okay I do note inkomen.Maar I find those comments about it he would vreemd.Als his ex PvdA was the end zoek.Dan the PvdA and the PvdA and that there were many more berichtjes.Wel a little objective!
Brinkman, that was still the man who wanted to make a democratic party PVV Geert … and then indicated that spike would be worked on in the coming years. How’s that again last?
Hurray They know nothing and there will be very old grudges brought Wonder what the next old story The weather is election time Unpack once another party there are many better stories
I think has jolande of the count a few years in a coma as they still Brinkman of the PVV associates.
snarled still nice if you’re just referring to the PVV I believe myself that this man in 2012 has got off and started her own business.
why mention again that he was in the PVV
Why that old member state of the PVV there, while he really like little unreliable self busy.? That does it for the ever more fraudulent Mayors councilors from other parties not to. Even the false appearance of Samson in gas extraction is still spreading with all respect.
And this happens almost always called the police integrity. People are not looking for the perpetrator but they just want to let someone pay for a crime. Whether the person is or is not guilty. The problem is that judges and prosecutors believe a cop just because of the fact that it is an agent, but from reports in the Telegraph, we just know that the police are not always honest. See Hera brinkmann
Yes! The mudslinging has begun! I did it take so long had been expected in January.
There are an estimated 300 people per year wrongly convicted. People like Hero Brinkman want to score. But even well-intentioned agents do not know their own pitfalls. It’s frightening how often things go wrong with the police investigation.
If this is true Brinkman should be fired … without gold handruk that is.
It has to do really nothing but the somehow get there around election time always again overtaken the name of the PVV, dragged through the mud. Curiously.
Com male, if it is true.
1 MONTH exactly what they will again SHOCKED the RESULT of his.
nice try anything like the last 35 years, but fortunately the people in 2015 (March) and go through it once with the CHECKOUT HOLLAND giveaways and wegkijkers.
Who invented to retrieve such a man again at the politie.Onbegrijpe; ijk.Het a looser thoroughbred.
Not only politically unstable and very unreliable but also as a detective not to be trusted. Defective material can collect every misfit.
Brinkman shows or stabbing catfish in his “rich” career !!
Glad he is not in the majority party, but especially strange that again just before an election is called in the PVV Is there such a fear that he will win it or it will be for the dredging be paid
This lady is not convicted at all.
oh, they have again found something. Wait to see if this is all true !!
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