Saturday, January 30, 2016

Closed for a fourth time on Saturday portion highway –

At the end of the A12 motorway leading to the congestion at so much dissatisfaction with waiting motorists that police 44 fines handed out to users who misbehaved.

The A12 Gouda was Saturday extended period closed after a chain collision involving estimated fifteen cars were involved. Four people were injured thereby.

The relief operation following the police lasted extra long due to misconduct of file riders. ” People reason massively on the hard shoulder, against traffic and hereby were even some riots ”, as informed the police.

” Because we had to regulate this behavior we had fewer colleagues for collision and this took even longer. In addition, the emergency services could not get over the shoulder in order to come in the accident. With all its consequences. “


Earlier Saturday the Dam was closed for hours because of a broken bridge. The A12 Gouda also went close after an extended period pileup. The A59 was also some time out after an accident.

That happened at the height of Den Bommel.


The A59 was also closed for some time after an accident. That happened at the height of Den Bommel.

On Saturday closed part of a highway for the fourth time. Due to an accident with several cars on the A15 at the height of the exit Geldermalsen highway which was closed between Nijmegen and Gorinchem. The road was open again around 21:30 pm


Door. “- – End block slideshow!>: ANP


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