17-02-15 21:54 pm – Source: Reuters
Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb Washington shakes hand of US Vice President Joe Biden. © epa
Perspective to young people and at the same time set limits on your citizens, and also monitor . This message gave the Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb today at the White House with President Obama. Aboutaleb was in Washington at Obama’s invitation to a conference on tackling radicalization and violent extremism
In his speech he mentioned the crucial importance he the city for all residents is visible and approachable. Not only to gain confidence, but also to be able to quickly identify stress.
Aboutaleb sees it as an important task of the local government to provide a youth perspective so that they are less susceptible to extremist ideas. ‘Exclusion and discrimination makes young people vulnerable to the message of recruiters. A good education is important to find a good job. And a paid job is the best remedy against poverty and a life on the margins of society ‘
. Borders
At the same time, he argues that there should be limits and monitored. “As the first citizen of the city is my primary job is to bind. But it’s just as well my responsibility to set boundaries. ” During naturalization ceremonies at City Hall, he points newcomers Dutch nationality not only get their rights but also their responsibilities.
He thinks the passport not a travel document but a command. “A mission to not only benefit from the rights and freedoms that the Constitution provides, but to live and to actively propagate them after. If you are not willing to do so, then be honest enough to hand in your passport and leave.
From Washington emphasized Aboutaleb opposite ANP that he is not alone in the White House for his views on the get highlighted. “I would also like to hear from others how they try to prevent attacks on street and neighborhood level.” In Rotterdam, there have been no major problems. Aboutaleb praises the way all residents deal with the problem. “We do not dive away, but processing issues miserable together.”
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