When there are elections would be the PvdA would only 9 seats on hold in the House instead of the 38 seats they now occupy, according to a poll by Maurice de Hond. “Imagine my surprise,” said Kor Bonthuis from Appingedam, “the great leader Diederik Samson gave in spite of this fact that he just finish the job.”
Kor Bonthuis continues:
We have with this government to go almost two years, so it is promising. You must still have a plate of steel for the headline that you no longer have by which they owe this loss. I will help even out the dream: “Who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind”
The Labour Party, including Secretary of State for Social Affairs Jetta Kleinsma spurt VVD regular right past in terms of cuts in health care.. The vulnerable in society are here the victim of. Of these, the elderly and the disabled are the largest group.
When you’re with your misbegotten cuts people have squeezed like a lemon then you should not find it strange that they can turn back at any time. The people continue to believe in fairy tales
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Samson his job is not finished yet because not all citizens are clients of the food bank. He wants to achieve the goals of his party: Party of the Poor.
Especially continue Samson on the 0 seats. Go for it!
This man has a bar and through his head. The arogantie at top.een sufferer with ij.
Mr. Samson is doing us all a big favor by staying on. His doorSPEKtMAN EGO is greater than his actions. it’s so good. Just one more year to wait and they are marginalized. Then just replace all the drivers and then we can move on. Also saves some time to survey committees where mw. Netelenbos may come to say that they do not remember so clearly. It will be fun again in the Netherlands. Just wait.
From themselves they find that they are working very responsible, certainly think that all Dutch have the same salary if, when you go from there, and they apparently do, all that is cut so bad, for their, for us, the citizens are not. Does she have long passed the expiration date, but yes, if you’re sitting on the plush, and you’ve also got a reinforced concrete for your head, you give that function (income + redundancy) not just on.
It’s not about Samson, it concerns Netherlands!
Diederik Samson thinks the “Nation” can not live without him! In short, boundless overestimation and morbid desire for power, and not to forget, the longer you sit, the longer the anti-social redundancy scheme continues. So typically, PvdA!
Only 9 seats to Mr. activist ……….. not take away the dismantler Spekman when nivileren !!!!!!
I had already gotten 25 x resign from my employer. Sit in the worst government ever. Blame you cheat voters, I hope it is even less. The Sp takes over. Roemer most reliable? among politicians. Rutte, Samson, Zijlstra, Asscher and Pechthold Spekman incredible people. These people are NOT the (ordinary) people the 2.5x Modalen. The rudder MUST order !!!!
Samson boy, get out before you’re nowhere but even spat …..
What has this man a plate upside down ….
That there are still 9 too!
What he means by “finish the job?” Does this follow the same path to 0 seats? MAKE MY DAY !!
there remains one task itself still leveling, remember that statement that fat figure, leveling is a party? I would like him to filleting including those Kleinsma, what a bunch of rotten bastards it together.
This is not a normal government. These puppets are here just to finish a task, as has been the Prime Minister. These steps are not really accomplished anything before (= destroyed, banned, abolished stolen) is. Everything we do, have, know and know to be different, according to Agenda 21, so that no one knows what he stands. The question is whether the puppets do it myself all the way through that.
This is what has become of the Labour Party with false leaders Samson, Klijnsma so distant from society
From me do it ‘his’ job not finish hearing . !! All he completes the Netherlands ..
It is clear that Samson is not the intended strong socialist leader who had his constituents liked after all its beautiful sales pitch. Spekman and Samson clearly to Neoliberalism and the plush elected by all the misery that. After another blunder now with Rhine and the PGB, s is clear enough is enough and to limit the damage resign the best solution.
Samson course to finish the job. He’s almost: 9 seats away and we get rid of the Labour Party.
Sure. The people shows: we need you and your leftist club anymore. But just stay put. Fits the Labour Party. And just the gedoogers not out, with D66 first, which had the worst government ever can already send home.
Beautiful … just finish the job is the goal! They started with almost 40 seats, now there are 9 according to the polls. Basically, still life and the job is done. We keep still as full. (This week yet another PGB debate and disappear a few armchairs PvdA). Diederick persevere …. persevere!
job to finish what the end result of all was fixed, how stupid can you be !!!!!!!!!! 1
years-long policy, which [also PvdA] everyone knew / knows .Stekel-Blind MONEY [billions] give away to poor-mensen.Die no penny of seeing, or their chiefs, etc. etc.
Prima setting that guy. Will there at least nothing of these Santa Clauses lot about.
Kansloze Dutch are rather
What job? Those lazy officer’s never done a job .. Crook should just get on with his hopeless talk