Monday, August 25, 2014

Hate Preachers are not welcome – Wedding

Hate Preachers are not welcome – Wedding

Robin Weaver – 08/25/14, 14:40

© anp. The arrival of the controversial British Imam Haitham al-Haddad invariably leads to noise. Al-Haddad advocated the death penalty for adulterers and called Jews ever “the descendants of apes and pigs.”

Foreign imams who glorify terrorism or hatred are no longer welcome in the Netherlands. They get a visa. Dutch imams equal cut should be assured that the government “will make life difficult ‘them.

That says minister Lodewijk Asscher (Social Affairs) in an interview in the Telegraph . Dutch preachers are not in direct contact with the law, but are required to justify their mayor. The measures are part of a broader package, designed to counter radicalization and prevent Dutch take part in armed jihad.

programs are also given to show young people de-radicalize a boost. “This can be done by training key people,” says Asscher. “They do not have to keep real at or boys grow beards, but they can make sure that someone is not in the wrong direction.”

Hate Preachers always allowed the country
On what grounds Asscher wants to deny the imams is still unclear. As an example, he mentions a Syrian cleric who wants to preach and ‘there is no peaceful intentions it has’ here. Visits by foreign radical imams almost always cause controversy. Or speak to a travel ban, however, it is rare.

Controversial preachers like the Brit Haitham al-Haddad and the milder American Khalid Yasin example, have repeatedly preached in the Netherlands and debated. Al-Haddad called Jews ever “descendants of apes and pigs,” Yasin led to controversy when he appeared to advocate. Corporal and capital punishment

In December 2011 the then Minister Uri Rosenthal (Foreign Affairs) was ready to Moroccan radical imam Mohamed al-Maghraoui to refuse a visa. , Finally Al-Maghraoui did not come he had waited too long for a visa. Justice succeeded after much litigation it to turn. Three pastors of the Eindhoven Al-Fourkaan Mosque They preached rejection of Western society and social isolation.

Ban on hate speech and incitement is sufficient
Incidentally play the visiting foreign “hate preachers” but a small role in the radicalization of young people. Most jihad travelers are convinced of their mission by an extremist in their environment and sermons that they look on the Internet.

Minister Opstelten (Security and Justice) announced Friday already known that he does not try to glorify violence criminalize. Criminal law provides, according to him plenty of opportunities to tackle. Sedition and shark bays CDA leader Sybrand Buma advocated such criminality.

Opstelten can imagine “that someone at some time behaves so that which is basically the same as a member of a terrorist organization.” “And that person such expressions does he actually pursues terrorist acts. The prosecution is ready to act in it.”


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