Thursday, August 21, 2014

Helmets and bulletproof vests for Kurds –

Helmets and bulletproof vests for Kurds –


The Cabinet proposes short-term 1000 combat helmets and body armor available in 1000 to the Kurds in northern Iraq. Ministers Frans Timmermans (Foreign Affairs) and Jeanine Hennis (Defence) have written Thursday to the House


The stuff transported by Defence with a transport plane to Erbil in northern Iraq. The helmets, vests and transportation costs together about 1.1 million. The Iraqi government demands that the goods go to Erbil from Baghdad. Netherlands demands that the Iraqi government that the transport unhindered can to Erbil.

The government sends the vests and helmets for the Kurds to help in their fight against the militias of the peshmerga’s (Koeridische Armed Forces) Islamic State (IS).

Timmermans and Hennis appoint their letter, the risk that the Kurdish military goods at a later time use for purposes other than fighting IS, for example, to realize their aspirations for independence from Baghdad to be. “This risk is acceptable in view of the acute and severe deemed threat of IS”, write the two ministers. Western countries should do their military contributions to the Kurds coordinate and monitor that they do not build inventories that can be used elsewhere. Later

Government Party VVD is happy with the “fast” Cabinet decision. Along with the air strikes of Americans this is the most promising option to stop IS says VVD Mark Verheijen. His Labour colleague Michiel Servaes calls it good that the cabinet via the Kurds provides a military contribution to the fight against the “barbaric” Islamic State. Along with emergency humanitarian aid that is desperately needed, it shall




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