Monday, September 22, 2014

Kurds in the Netherlands: We no longer know what to do –

Kurds in the Netherlands: We no longer know what to do –

22-09-14 15:31 pm – Source: Reuters

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Archive Photo of a demonstration of FedKom in 2007 © anp

Kurds in the Netherlands are near despair. Images on the fate of the Kurds in Iraq and Syria, who are driven by terrorist Islamic State lead here to a hopeless and depressed feeling


Not only during the day but in the evening and during the night from there followed the news and it is hoped that the good side rises

Egid Korkmaz (FedKom)


“We know not what to do. The atrocities of IS must be stopped, it must be done, something says board Egid Korkmaz Federation Kurds in the Netherlands (FedKom.)

The umbrella organization of Kurdish associations in the Netherlands believes that the European Union should intervene and – closer to home – Dutch politics thereby could take the lead. “Now everyone is waiting for each other,” imagine Korkmaz fixed.

intervene he is referring to military action. The European Union should have IS bombing in northern Syria finds the federation, and as quickly as possible. “There are probably driven by the death squads IS more than 100,000 Kurds from their homes. The EU does not send ground troops, but the Kurds would be able to arm and support. “

The Kurdish community in the Netherlands has around 120,000 people. “For them, the atrocities such as murder and rape in the Kurdish areas of Iraq and now, especially in Syria, the talk of the day,” said Korkmaz. “Not only during the day but in the evening and during the night from there followed the news and it is hoped in the right direction.”

There are, according to the board “enough people” who have family among the victims of the war, but how much exactly is not known. at his organization Saturday was in The Hague even a demonstration of Kurds calling for international aid.

The Dutch federation pointing the finger of blame also to Turkey, that IS would support openly. Turkey is afraid of separation of own Koeridsche areas, and benefits from instability in the Kurdish parts of Iraq and Syria, explains Korkmaz.

Turkey does leave refugees, but would stop Kurdish fighters from the country want to pick up the weapons. against IS As far as the federation knows depart from Nedeland no Kurds to join in the fight.

join their people to


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