Tuesday, September 23, 2014

SAIs G4 warn parliament in letter about youth – Focus on News

SAIs G4 warn parliament in letter about youth – Focus on News

All G4 municipalities use the coming years to develop the system further and youth in focus. This process has many risks, and it’s unlikely that all youth services better and cheaper in the short term. Therefore it is wise to evaluate. The youth law after two years and not after 5 years This and more writing the G4 sais today in a letter to members of parliament.

Decentralization youth
On January 1, 2015 is the new youth law in force and municipalities are responsible for all care for the youth. With the transfer of the functions of government and the province to the municipality an amount of approximately € 4 billion. To this is attached by the government austerity target rising from € 120 million in 2015 to € 450 million in 2017 This cut must be achieved by an improved way of working with more attention to include prevention and ‘own strength’ of youngsters and families.

The G4 municipalities have worked hard over the past two years in preparation for the decentralization youth. In pilot is already experimenting with new ways of working and that is positive. By experimenting is clear what is working and where there are potential problems. Uncertain whether savings and improvements are realized in all G4 short term municipalities risks were identified that make it uncertain whether the savings and improvements in child welfare in the short term are realized.

So it takes a number of years before the increased focus on prevention and the promotion of its own power may result in a decrease in the demand for care. In the short term, the new method, which is used to identify children with problems as early as possible even lead to more demand for youth services (also called bow wave effect) and, with that extra costs for municipalities.

The new policy also requires substantial investments. This for example to set up the local care and the development of new ICT systems. It is uncertain whether, and in what time these additional investments are followed by savings in health care costs. Because of the uncertainties found the G4 sais desirable that rather than after five years between tooth is made.

The framework for evaluating and learning are not in order in the G4 municipalities the accuracy, completeness and quality of the data in its own registration systems not yet in order. Moreover, it is not yet clear how the connection of the registration of specialized institutions at the local
situation is realized. If these problems are not solved, this means that it is difficult to get the costs and results of local youth vision systems and thereby learn from each other and meaningful evaluation is almost impossible

That’s why finding the G4 SAI is important that the government in collaboration with the VNG promotes agreements are made about this. nationwide This may be the utility of the Municipal Social Domain Monitor, which provides the basis for evaluating and learning from each other, greatly improving.


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