Saturday, June 25, 2016

Syrian families have gone from Weert – Dagblad de Limburger

             A Syrian family from Weert may be put off. The Council of State upheld the ruling of a lower court. The family was in the news because the Mayor of Weert allowed the family was housed at a secret address.


A Syrian woman and her four children had filed the case. The family had applied for asylum in Germany. Then they traveled to Weert, because the brother of the woman had applied for asylum in the Netherlands.

The man was given a residence permit in the Netherlands, but under the rules of the woman and her children had to return to Germany. The State Council has also given no explanation of the decision.

The decision of the State Council to split the Syrian family, already caused unrest in the azielzoekerscentrum in Weert. According to Mayor Heijmans meanwhile there is a heightened state of alert with security. Especially the Syrian refugees in the asylum seekers’ center are angry and disappointed.

Self commotion
The question of the Syrian family has already led to nationwide commotion. Minister Ronald Plasterk of Interior to respond further to the help of Mayor Heijmans to the Syrian woman and her four young children. The minister said that Heijmans had not broken the law when he helped the Syrian family with ‘absconding’, yet he had no authority to do so.
The family was deported to the point being to Germany where it had reported for asylum. The woman’s brother, who also stayed at the Weerter refugee center, was allowed to stay in the Netherlands because he had signed here. The eviction was inhuman because the brother who would play the role of father and sister were to be separated. With the help of volunteers and the knowledge of Heijmans left the family ‘unknown destination’ of the asylum seekers’ center.
Parliamentary questions
quick parliamentary questions were about the activities of Heijmans. It was asked to take action against the “refuse mayor from Weert. After speaking with Jos Heijmans Plasterk concluded that the mayor had not violated the law.
But neither was a statutory power to help the family, after the State Secretary of Security and Justice had decided that the Syrian families had to be turned off.

The minister saw no reason for further action to take against Heijmans. “I have the Secretary of State does not want to run for the feet,” responded Heijmans. “I respect his responsibility for immigration policy. I have only supported the volunteers of the asylum seekers’ center who helped the family and me obtain information from them.
However, I have not had an active role in this. Furthermore, I was afraid of unrest outside the reception center if the wife and children would be expelled. There were indications that public order would be jeopardized. Public order, I am responsible. “


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