Members of the Cabinet, earlier this week met in Diepenheim. © anp.
The government cuts again next year in health care benefits, for lower incomes. Thus, the coalition wants a begrotingsgat 600 million gap. This is caused by a planned simplification of the benefits system is abandoned.
The measure insiders agreed in the budget negotiations between the majority and the gedogers D66, Christian Union and SGP. The care allowance, intended to help in paying their health care premiums, lower incomes has often curtailed. Both the amount of the sum itself and in the number of users has been cut in recent years.
Purchasing power Surcharge
The measure is not enough to close. Begrotingsgat the way The government also removed in the purchasing power of pensioners supplement for the MKOB. Who has always lived in the Netherlands with a replacement scheme. But who has not done so, get less money. This should yield about 100 million euros. A tax windfall, because more people than withdraw their savings scheme expected also contributes to “tens of millions” on.
These are all one-offs for 2015 The government is looking for a new way to the benefits system to change afterward. Rather, the intention was to add in one “household allowance”. Kinds of supplements together That proved unworkable.
Budget Day
budget negotiations for 2015 are likely to go next week. The government brings in each case the lowest tax bracket down, but less than this year happened. For 2014, more than 1.5 billion was set aside for one-off transfer. Lowest dial down So much money is not this time. The government would have approximately 500 million available for tax cuts through taxation. That comes on top of 500 million for the increase in the employed who already was agreed. That measure is beneficial for middle and higher income.
It is expected that most working there next year in purchasing power ahead. The government wants to allocate extra money for defense and development. The VVD has objected to the extra investment in development, but would still be willing to allow. Impulse of approximately 300 million
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