Defense gets there next year probably a hundred million euros. That is the assessment of insiders in the budget discussions that start next week. The amount is higher than the fifty million of which was thought before the summer
VVD, CU and SGP then gave all that they want extra money for defense, because there the last few years has been hard on cut. The recent fires in the world and the increasing demands being placed on the armed forces who have need only increased. The intention is that the money the clout of Defense is strengthened. The money should be used for equipment, weapons and operational people. “Green So, no office workers,” says a source. D66 also indicates that the extra to invest in the ‘outside corner’.
In coalition circles is told that windfalls costs for additional investment will cover. In addition, there remains room for tax cuts. Which must take place by lowering, so that all workers in the Netherlands to cash. The rate of the first tax The tax cuts for the middle and high incomes, this spring between VVD and PvdA was agreed in exchange for dropping the criminalization of illegality, is a further factor.
There are no additional cuts, informed Secretary dijsselbloem (Finance) know yesterday after the first cabinet meeting since the summer recess. That makes the budget talks, which on Monday between the coalition and gedogers D66, CU and SGP place easier. The general expectation is that the parties can come true., Through mutual give it
Twist point
between VVD and PvdA negotiations seem to be the most difficult. The Labour Party is committed to lowering taxes on labor and do something extra for low-income. The VVD they are not, however, waiting. Leveling a new round of Another point of contention is the budget for development cooperation. New calculation rules that would actually need to be supplemented. Hundreds of millions The VVD can not live with this, but it is estimated that the Labour Party it will not give. Simply
Minister Ploumen (Development) did yesterday a veiled claim, by warning that its aid money runs through the many crises. She has been in consultation with colleagues from other countries, the UN and the Red Cross to meet who can do
If the horse has bolted ……………..
100 million? Can it off? You can buy a few packs of food and it’s far! What a misleading text: Strong more money for the MOD! It’s hardly a drop in the ocean! How do I keep the people fooled! We have all the tanks disposed in our hubris and short-sightedness. A few of those things cost late that amount alone the remaining amount for the rest of the “armed forces” as far as you can of armed forces and may speak. With this money we put towards our NATO partners to shit ourselves!
I would say that every year a few billion extra is needed to bring. Defence in order You can say that the politicians nothing, but then have learned nothing at all of history.
So keep it going for the hotbeds of others we must bleed. I EIS so my 6 euros from 100 million back.
A united Europe would bring peace. We still look for war further away! Because weapons to be sold.
Defense is the defense within our boundaries. The colonial fortunately, we do not. ok a European army or detachment might help. Netherlands should really stop as a follower with alles.Ja that plane crash was real enough and has put us in a bit of the picture but not the reason are again running. Along with everything We are not America, and also because the money is not increasing. We have a modernized Army afgeslangt because we so wanted and supply weapons to foreign countries I do not believe is right.
It is since the 70s of the last century already cut back on defense. Then you can not make it with 100 million extra.We have an aircraft carrier and require ships that ship beschermen.Op an American carrier 3x as many fighters as what the visionaries from The Hague to buy.
Others are making a mess of things, we may pay. According to the UN, there are 2050 9 billion people on earth, a recipe for further conflict in the world. At one point, the end of our financial strength in sight to extinguish the expense of the hard working people in the Netherlands. All flashpoints in the world
100 million is obviously not ‘Substantially more,” after billion in cuts over the last few decades is not even a patch for the bleeding. Defense shows that the average American thinks the world is populated with a flower gentle creatures like butterflies. The real world is populated by Puntins and medieval extremists who really just our achievements seek to appropriate by first pressure, terror and finally violence. We must therefore build resistance called Defense.
Drama thrown away money just think what you could do with it, for example, for the elderly and sick
but give them to the elderly and let all that foreign to happen, but they do not care about burst Netherlands
How many elderly people are above their shower should turn up missing?
I suggest immediately modern machine guns, etc. to buy. For The current date from 1960, I read earlier this year in the newspaper. Hennis, procurement, new, delayed by four years. Like her predecessors also did because of budget cuts.
you can help deal with another 100 million, and here the men put away
Guess who it should pay the bill. again And the field of defense Netherlands sets fo really nothing compared to a Germany or England.
Just enough for new banden.Dit’s a passed station.Laten we stabbing money into joint defense with the EU and these 100 million used to police and riot to versterken.Want long criticized the disproportionate violence of any country, is not estimated at its true value comes resistance and turmoil.Politici just mensen.Dit such measures panicked genomen.lossen 0.0 and one forgets that the elderly should be a priority 1 zijn.Onze place on the world stage is almost nil despite Foreign Affairs and bleached politicians.
A drop in the ocean religious wars plate, ie it helps nothing. You need to tackle the cause otherwise mopping with the tap. The cause is known to everyone but unfortunately we can not say that out loud, we see it every day in the news, in Africa, in the Middle East, in Pakistan in Afghanistan. We may also take care of the people who are “driven” to be, ie the knob to in those countries, faith may play no role in politics.
pau money withdrawn ??? to Care The Ministry that in 13 years from 28 to 80 + billion grew? 100 million, a pittance to what Defence only Rutte 1 and 2 had to hand. More than 1.2 billion structural Maybe first even think before typing?
There is considerable cutbacks hundred million years, and it will not help much.
Finally they are awake now there spannigen between Russia and Europe .. Defense they cut off how stupid they are!
With all due respect, but I think when there is a serious conflict, other countries will have to go get it. chestnuts out of the fire From the past has shown that we are far proved. Of a heroic people
The money that now goes to development, be it in the fridge and the service only briefly. Money pumps in countries overflowing soon haart beards by ISIS has no sense. Go later that psychopaths with our money to get us later to clean up. Within the EU Nope. Make that a hundred million, but a billion. src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” }