Tuesday, August 19, 2014

“RIVM asks doctors and health authorities to be on alert ebola ‘- nrc.nl

"RIVM asks doctors and health authorities to be on alert ebola '- nrc.nl


The RIVM has all GPs due to the Ebola outbreak prompted to apply to people with fever alert. In an email that is also sent to health authorities and specialists will be asked in all patients with fever to determine whether and where they have recently been on holiday, writes the AD today.

Since last week all travelers at Schiphol that come with infrared guns checked for fever. Suspect from countries Also asked for possible Ebola contacts, says director Jaap van Dissel of the Center for Infectious Disease Control of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in the newspaper. The GGD shares at Schiphol flyers to travelers to and from Nigeria.

The RIVM Van Dissel many calls from citizens who are concerned that the deadly virus to the Netherlands, especially when there were possible infections in Belgium and Germany. Both patients in those countries prove otherwise probably would have. No ebola

The chance that Ebola pops up in The Netherlands called Van Dissel “extremely small” if it can not be ruled out. “But the risk of further spreading outbreak in the Netherlands is almost nil,” says Van Dissel.

The Director pointed out that the Netherlands was confronted with the Marburg virus related to Ebola in 2008. A woman was infected during her holiday in Uganda following a visit to a bat cave. Although she had come, who in contact with more than 130 people, more than half of hospital staff, no one else was infected. The woman died within a few days after her admission.

Ebola is only contagious when someone shows symptoms. After an infection, it may take resurface for those symptoms for three weeks. The chance that someone healthy leaves from a country at risk and then get symptoms in the plane and other passengers Kindle, therefore, is extremely small. (AP)

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