As a demonstration should not walk through the Schilderswijk on September 20 moved the organization Pro Patria protest against Islamic extremism to the neighboring district of Transvaal. That made the organization announced Monday
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Mayor Jozias van Aartsen decided last week that there must be in Schilderswijk because previous protests from the hand were no longer linked to Isis demonstration. “After consultation we decided to shift to the district Transvaal. March In this area alone because no veto from the mayor and this is one of the two districts where the ISIS supporters strong presence, “said Pro Patria. The demonstration will be accompanied by professional security guards.
According to a spokesman, the demonstration notified to the Hague. Pro Patria hopes that the displacement of the march “works de-escalating.” A previous protest on August 10 was disrupted by stone-throwing Muslims Schilderswijk. “If they come down again on the march, it is clear who the aggressors,” the spokesman said.
In addition, Pro Patria tries to ensure that far-right demonstrators not piggyback on the ‘March of Freedom ‘. The far-right NCE wants just that demonstrate the Schilderswijk. At the same time would be a group of Muslims on September 20 at the very Malieveld want to demonstrate.
The Hague knows that Pro Patria demonstration has logged on. There will still be talking about what can and should with the organization. The municipality has not yet approved
Josias’ll be back on vacation gaan.Hij has some vacation hours left.
Well a pro Gaza, read pro Muslim demonstration approve but prohibit own people to demonstrate … The fools! If you do get sick of it! Coward Mayor!
If the policy had not been for decades so naive we did not know these problems now. We will have to fight for our freedom, otherwise it is done with our once beautiful Netherlands.
Move problems is called and thus other people along saddling Where is this man doing? head off to the Binnenhof or Malieveld with this shit
Mr. van Aartsen said no demonstration in The Hague! So get PVV and Pro Patria no license. Or sometimes there are chips in the ears? Weather still a nice oil platform in the North Sea. Go there but tasty huilie huilie. Let the inhabitants of the Transvaal and Schilderswijk alone!
patching things as long as it can still But it becomes increasingly acute Once the bomb bursts really good
This is a country with a policy of Nothing that we have noticed in recent years and it does not get better more often worse
Transvaal and picturesque neighborhood, what’s the difference? A few blocks only. Loco to find that well. That one has the right to demo, so be it, but you can as a municipality or appoint a certain place for that. Renée is better. In a residential area this stuff? If one is planning in the district of Aartsen himself something to do, how he would deal with them?
The courtyard should be the only place for all demonstrations. Easy for police and any ME. Our politicians no longer the country to experience what is happening among the population, if need be while enjoying a snack and drink where they are so fond of.
yes bosses in the Hague, the PVV and the VVD would do better if other parties
Arches is doing well now also stopped a fireworks ban, people are far too freely in this country.
Well Aartsenfruit you better leave, so we’re getting into more trouble!
I still long so back to the years that The Hague was really a city of Jacobse and Van Es big mouth … but a small heart ……
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better stay on holiday now nop much worse because of weak knees behavior with a cup of tea
Pre ban is punishment before an offense is committed. Punish you belong afterwards to do to put. Instead of basic civil rights at risk This is a tactic to overcome our having to act when limits are exceeded.
Move switch to an adjacent neighborhood is like” allow Schilderswijk a caliphate. ” Well, so can not come and MAG. It can not be that extremism is a valid reason to come out. Among our constitution We must defend our country against any intruders, both inside and outside! Whoever disagrees is no need to stay here, who may return to his / her country of origin.
Phoe mayor ………. no respect for this man !!
Van Aartsen is a big coward and needs to resign! immediately and should be once again discussed. about equal rights
What a bunch of sagging bags to divert, really Dutch.
So, where I live, they decide to come and demonstrate smoothness. I think not.
September 20th is on a Saturday
And our integration industry runs on the same foot !!!!
And this is all said thank our immigration policy !!! To say nothing about integrating !!!
We do have a country he ……………….