17-08-14 17:54 pm – Source: Reuters
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Mayor Peter Brothers is a leader in a silent march through Hilversum to the victims of the plane crash with flight MH17 in Ukraine to commemorate. © anp
Thousands of people in Hilversum the plane crash in Ukraine commemorated today. They were dressed in white, with a silent march. Then she attended a memorial service in St. Vitus Church at. “We mourn as we have done in recent weeks. Massive and together, respectful and intense, white and peaceful, “said the pastor of the church, Jules Dresmé
Hilversum lost twelve inhabitants (three families) during disaster flight MH17 exactly one month ago. Three other victims – a Dutch-American boy and an Australian couple – had ties with the place. A total of 298 occupants of the downed plane were killed, including 196 Dutch.
The grief for the victims will continue, “but togetherness provides support,” said the mayor Pieter Hilversumse Brothers. “Even after today, tomorrow and the day after. Our lives we share this grief with each other
Disaster unprecedented
Brothers spoke of an unprecedented disaster and said. “Grief is not about, it is part of your life. Love is not about the death, which remains. ” People can find solace, Brothers said, “to embrace, by talking about the people who we love and knew each other through.” He called on people to “keep to the relatives and close allegiance to stand the families. Also in the future. “
The brother of a victim described the day of the disaster, the hasty journey of a family to Schiphol. “They were on time for the flight they had to miss.” What now remains is emptiness, sadness. “A house in Hilversum is empty. It feels cool, or it can not be. ‘Warm
Silent march
Prior to the memorial service, there was a silent march from a park to the Saint Vitus Church. The silent walk began releasing white doves fifteen for fifteen killed Hilversum, followed by 283 other pigeons for the other victims. Then the people left white balloons fly away. Flags along the route hung at half-mast.
In Hilversum are experts working to identify the bodies. The remains were brought to the Corporal of Oudheusden barracks in Hilversum. The sister of a victim praised that service:. ‘Tenderness and compassion, borne by loving hands
New school
Brothers left after that the service awareness took place one day before the new school year. “There were a lot of young kids. They go back to school Monday, and then see an empty chair. We want this miserable summer close and take a new step. “
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