Saturday, August 23, 2014

Four dead, many sick with only 4200 euro fine for Soother – Omroep Gelderland

Four dead, many sick with only 4200 euro fine for Soother – Omroep Gelderland

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Four dead, many sick with only 4200 euro fine for Soother

ARNHEM – The fatal salmonella outbreak in 2012, causing fish processors Soother not cost more than 4,200 euros in fines from Harderwijk.

The infectious salmon Soother two years ago put on the market made thousands of people sick, at least four of them deceased. The company was punished with four penalties from 1050 euro each.

Injury Specialist Yme Drost, who represents the interests of 500 victims, is furious about the mild approach Soother by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). Drost is going to file a report against the fish processors. He thinks Soother criminal should be prosecuted for causing the serious food crisis

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Research by Omroep Gelderland show that Salmonella infection was not alone. Soother has breached hygiene rules with some regularity. In 2010, 2011 and 2012 warnings and fines were handed out. Thus did the Harderwijk company in 2010 salmon on the market that had been infected with the dangerous bacteria Listeria.

Soother, the products are not removed from the market and the infection is not reported to the NVWA, which is legally obligatory. The company was awarded a fine of 2100 euro

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Bird droppings

Documents (pdf) from which the violations are found by Omroep Gelderland using the law Open Government requested. Checkers NVWA have encountered include bird droppings in an area where salmon were packed. Also, it was found that salmon and eel were sold, while that may be a maximum of 7 degrees. With a temperature of 17 degrees For this, a fine of 2475 euros was imposed.

Injury Specialist Drost and microbiologist Rijkelt Beumer of Wageningen University are baffled about the low penalties and previous violations of Foppen. Beumer finds that the fines should be increased. “At least by a factor of 10 ‘ He calls the conduct of Soother ‘culpable’.


The salmonella outbreak in 2012 had major implications for consumers and led to great concern about food safety. The infection occurred in a Greek branch of Foppen. It took five days for the Dutch products of fish processors were removed from the market.

A day after the outbreak, the company reported that Dutch stickers sat on Greek salmon, because it was sent. packaging to Greece from Netherlands These containers were then transported to the Netherlands and extradited. Requires Foppen fined. Drost calls this “shoddy labels. “The moment you wrong stickert you should remove the products from the market, including the Dutch. I find it incredible “, said the lawyer.

No response Soother and NVWA

Foppen and NVWA do not respond to these facts and refer to a published report in October last year The Safety Board. Who judged mild about the Harderwijk fish processors and spoke of an unfortunate coincidence. Soother also was called a ‘modern, structured company with a positive image. ”

Need more information?

For an overview of the Safety Board about the contamination can be found here.

An Overview of the events surrounding the salmonella destination is here (pdf)

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Saturday, August 23, 2014 | 16:05 | Last updated: Saturday, August 23, 2014 | 21:06


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