Golfer Robert Jan Derksen (left) throws a bucket of ice water over the head of tournament director Daan Slooter the KLM Open. © anp.
The fear that the Ice Bucket Challenge distracts attention from the real goal of donating money to the foundation ALS, is unfounded. The Netherlands ALS Foundation has already received over 14,000 donations in August, reports the NIS. “Normally we get less than 200 donations per month,” said spokesman Ineke Hall.
The Ice Bucket Challenge, where people throw ice water over themselves to call attention to ALS research, see the organization’s revenues are exploding. How much money is going exactly it is unknown. “We can no longer keep up with the huge influx. The amounts have yet to be processed. ”
The ALS Foundation has struggled the sudden fame to cope. So the website was last weekend overburdened and have been adopted hastily four additional volunteers to lend a hand. “Normally we have on the website each day about 500 visitors. Today, there were 35,000, “says Hall.
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