Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wilders by OM suspected of inciting discrimination –

Wilders by OM suspected of inciting discrimination –

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That the Prosecution ( OM) Thursday morning to know.

Wilders is accused by the prosecution of incitement to discrimination. The suspicion is according to the public in such a way “that criminal proceedings would be logical.” That cloncludeert justice after a detailed legal analysis.

“Wilders will be questioned about his statements about Moroccans on 12 and March 19, 2014 in The Hague, which prompted more than 6400 reports have been received,” writes the OM Thursday.

The PVV leader early on March 19 on the eve of local elections to a room full of party members who “more or less Moroccans in The Hague want.” The hall chanted them that they want less Moroccans. “Then we’ll arrange that,” Wilders said

Watch the local election night of the PVV:.


On March 12, Wilders launched at a market in The Hague district Loosduinen for the first slogan ‘less Moroccans. “He is suspected of insulting a group of people based on race and inciting discrimination and hatred,” reports the OM. A final decision to prosecute has not been taken yet.

Wilders reacted furiously to the announcement of the OM: “It is shameful, while the world is on fire aimed his arrows at the OM congressman who appoints problems.” The politician says, still stand. Behind his statements

“The prosecution can spend his time better by focusing on the Dutch Syriëgangers group, which consists of more than three quarters of Moroccans. Lake This is the world upside down.”

Wilders ‘lawyer Geert-Jan Knoops let it be known “at this stage of the proceedings’ do not comment.

View Wilders on the market in Loosduinen:

No idea

Deputy Prime Lodewijk Asscher has “no idea” about the decision of the Public Prosecutor. “The prosecution is an independent institution,” said Asscher, who as Minister of Social Affairs is also responsible for Integration, Thursday.

Asscher had “less, less, less’ statements shortly after Wilders she made sentenced on March 18. He then said he to the images of the PVV election meeting had looked at. “Disgust” He called the statements by Wilders as “poison for society”

Rule of Law

The National Council of Moroccans, who then filed charges against Wilders was pleased:. “” We are pleased with this Decision of the OM “, let Mohamed Rabbae of reflection to know.” It proves that the rule operates. After six years of silence from the OM we were going to make us worry whether the prosecution would not hang too much. His ear to a national politician This proves that justice is a straight back “

Arja Cross, president national branch of anti-discrimination ‘.” We are pleased that there is finally a decision has been taken and that there is clarity. The ruling does not surprise me, Wilders was still acquitted zo.Een few years ago but when he talked about Islam in general. Now it was about people. I wonder how the lawsuit goes smoothly. It will be quite a stir. “

Earlier prosecuted

Wilders has already been prosecuted and acquitted in 2011 of inciting hatred and discrimination and group insult.

In 2011, the then President of the Amsterdam District Court concluded Marcel van Oosten that Wilders’ statements were almost all focused on the religion of Islam, not Muslims. Judges also considered then that the PVV leader made his statements in the context of the public debate

Wilders responded then delighted and said that a huge burden of him fell off:. “” You can have criticism of Islam, I am not silenced ‘mouth’ He called the acquittal “” the only correct verdict “”

Watch the reaction of the OM:.


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