That says both professor Bert van Wee (Transport Policy, TU Delft) as MP Liesbeth van Tongeren (Green) Friday night in EenVandaag.

the reason for their statements is the increase in the number of fatalities in 2015. That rose from 570 in in 2014 to 621 last year. On highways where 130 kilometers should be driven by the hour, the number of fatalities has tripled from 10 in 2014 to 32 last year.

Place Both parties the number of accidents, however, not in perspective on 130-roads. The figures, collected by the police and the Central Bureau of Statistics, shows that the vast majority of deaths have fallen by 50 roads (127 victims) and 80 roads (145). The number of fatal accidents on 130 roads in recent years been actually very low and now seems normalize

Apparently, it fell on deaf ears, as Van Tongeren demanding that Secretary Schultz still acting.: Immediately ,, which 130 back to 120 and 100 where the weather was 100. ” According to Van Wee, the speed increase ,, arguably caused more casualties “