Facebook announced the figures on Thursday. It is an increase compared to previous periods. In the first six months of 2015 Netherlands asked 113 times for information on a total of 111 accounts. Between July and December 2014 Netherlands had 76 requests in 84 accounts.

According to Facebook governments often want to know a name, an IP address or the contents of an account. In most cases, to make that request with robbery or kidnapping.

Other countries asked for more information. Worldwide, the number of requests has increased by 13.5 percent. The United States asked more than 19,000 times to information on over 30,000 accounts. China had no application, because Facebook is blocked there for years.

Countries often want that Facebook is blocking information, as this would be something contrary to the law. If Turkey refuses anything that might be insulting to Ataturk, the father of the nation. Germany blocks denial of the Holocaust