Shell owns NAM half. In the disputed letter it was stated that in an even further reduction of the gas production, there may also be less money is to carry out the job million. Schotman promised at a meeting in Groningen Middelstum (Groningen) so that’s no question of that. ,, The agreed approach continues. We continue to do, ” said NAM chief, who described a different impression as ‘misinterpretation’.

Gas Valve Not more open

The Shell letter sparked fury in Groningen and among MPs who were not served, inter alia, the tone of lobbyists who see them as a kind of blackmail. Also fear that NAM preferably more than previously agreed wants to win 27 billion cubic meters of gas per year Schotman seeks to eliminate. Research would show that 33 billion cubic meters can be safe, but the gas is provisionally defined as stops. Schotman: ,, We hold on to stable 27 ”

Although he did not want to determine whether the letter was a good idea, however ,, he noted that we are in this case sometimes two steps forward. do one and then back again. ” The way things were ‘not so handy. Both incidents publicity gave opponents of gas extraction in Groningen last week again plenty of ammunition in an already sensitive file