Monday, September 26, 2016

D66: Kamermeerderheid for regulating marijuana – Look on news

Friday, 23. september 2016 – 10:28 Update: 25-09-2016 17:28

D66 Member of parliament, Vera Bergkamp: "This is a breakthrough. After the mayors, municipalities and a large part of the Dutch now want the Second Room that the marijuana is regulated. Our bill is from today, ready for treatment in the Room and we want this even before the elections by the Room dragging. The netherlands is already too long at an impasse on this topic. We again have to be a model country in Europe."


the bill would D66 the back door of the coffee shop, to arrange and put an end to the crooked policy of tolerance. D66 wants the movies to regulate. This can be done by creating a completely closed and taxpayer coffeeshopketen, the marijuana and the supply to coffee shops to decriminalize and the legal certainty for used to increase. Bergkamp: "In the current situation, it is true that cannabis can be sold, but not grown or shipped. An unsustainable situation D66. The health risks are now too big, takes a lot of politiecapaciteit, judges are opposed to the current restrictive policy of the government, and a whopping 89% of the municipalities, this policy is unsustainable and wants to taste it with movies. Also, by the back door, finally, to arrange, to fix that."

Fewer health risks

One of the most important motivations for the Dutch political party D66 to this initiatiefwetsvoorstel is the limit of the health risks. "As long as the cultivation of cannabis from the view of the government is done, there is no single view on the quality of the cannabis. Now it happens that the pesticides and substances that are harmful to health are used in the cultivation of hemp and hashish. The user actually has no idea what is in their purchased cannabis. By monitoring the production process, you can offer guarantees for the protection of the public health. That is important because almost half a million people monthly are using cannabis," said Bergkamp.

Listen to municipalities

the municipalities Also want to see a change in the current tolerance policy. The Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG), ruled in June that the current drugs policy, the back door of the coffee shop, still not regulated, is bankrupt. Bergkamp: "a whopping 89% of the municipalities agreed on a proposal of the VNG, in which, among other experiments with regulated marijuana are proposed. Previously signed all 54 mayors, 77% of the coffee shop, laying municipalities represent the manifest 'Joint Regulation' that regulated marijuana advocates. It is the municipalities who daily reap the consequences of the current leaning of tolerance, they give a clear signal. It has to be different. Listen as a government to those municipalities."


the judicial power shows more and more to have trouble with the current conflicting tolerance policy. Increasingly, speak to the judges a so-called judicial pardon from when it comes to the cultivation, supply and storage of cannabis. Bergkamp: "the Judges are still more often in a tug of war. They need facts to punish that as a result of the current policy. After all, the via the regulated front door sales of cannabis should not be grown and should not be supplied. That is crooked and the judges are also becoming less and less often from the feet. They give a clear signal when they have the facts to condemn, but no punishment to impose."


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