Friday, August 1, 2014

Director Rijksmuseum Amsterdam is too dirty and too crowded by tourists –

Director Rijksmuseum Amsterdam is too dirty and too crowded by tourists –


Queen’s Day in 2011 at the Museumplein in Amsterdam. Photos Holland Height


Amsterdam, the increasing flow of tourists and excursionists not handle. This writes the chief director of the Rijksmuseum, Wim Pijbes, this morning in (€): “Amsterdam is dirty, filthy and crowded,” said Pijbes.

Pijbes therefore calls on the city council in order for residents to make the capital. Quickly ‘loveable’ and visitors ‘liveable’ The charm of Amsterdam, according to him ‘washed out’.

‘Time for a Delta Plan Tourist Amsterdam

By reopening include the Rijksmuseum, the city experiences according Pijbes this year for the First full extent of what it means to be “for visitors from home and abroad, attractive city. a But, he warns, it is important to capture. Swelling the flow of visitors appropriately The first steps have been done before, but they go by the museum director not nearly far enough “

” Anyone who daily visit the city, we see that the limits of growth recent years have been achieved: the litter, the irritations, the rows. Amsterdam is dirty, filthy and full. It’s time for a Delta Plan Tourist Amsterdam. “

‘Lethal illegal and short-stay accommodation’

It strives to provide a few suggestions. Thus, the measures announced in April against the ‘dirty’ effects of ambulatory street trading and the associated litter should “finally be done.” We also need a plan of action to challenge the ‘dangerous’ and illegal short-stay accommodation Taxis according Pijbes

Further work still not properly and should be considered the most polluting form of tourism:. The cruise. The museum director also argued that ‘finally’ enough bicycle parking should be built and that there must be an end to the ‘medieval’ ways of offering garbage in the city and around the Museum.

“First I Town ‘

Pijbes concludes his speech by underlining that Amsterdam is a great city and a business card for the Netherlands, but that in his time is running out to guests from around the world to capture decent:

“For a long time the GOLD hatsjikidee the Amsterdam tofheid as charming and spirited. Which has long since faded charm. ‘I Amsterdam’ has degenerated into “I first and then the city”

Read more about:.
Wim Pijbes

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