Sunday, November 16, 2014

What is bird flu? –

What is bird flu? –

Hekendorp –

Since Sunday applies a nationwide transport ban for poultry, eggs and manure. There is also an indoor confinement effect. Both valid for 72 hours. The reason is the emergence of a highly contagious (highly pathogenic) variant of bird flu at a chicken farm in Hekendorp


 Photo: ANP

When does bird flu or avian influenza and how the virus spread? Below is a list:

DISEASE OF AVIAN FLU: Avian influenza, or “avian influenza” comes in many different varieties. There are mild, so-called low pathogenic (LPAI) variants, and dangerous, highly contagious versions, the highly pathogenic (HPAI) viruses. Of (classical) disease occurs when many birds simultaneously infected with a dangerous variant and die

DISTRIBUTION:. Migratory birds, especially wild ducks, wear mild variants of the virus with them without there themselves sick. Birds can transmit the virus to each other through breathing, vitreous humor, and manure. Chickens and turkeys are the most susceptible to infection. Also people and trade transports can spread the virus. Travelers can, for example, do all through leftover bird droppings under their shoes

AVIAN INFLUENZA IN HUMANS:. The avian influenza virus can also humans (and mammals such as cats, pigs and tigers) infect all that does not happen often. Concrete symptoms are rapidly emerging fever, muscle aches, chills, sore throat, coughing and feeling exhausted. That comes very suddenly. Within 2 to 3 hours someone feel really sick. After the infection can take 7 to 10 days in humans before they are actually sick. The most severe symptoms are certainly five days. It is possible, according to experts that the bird flu virus with a human flu virus. Mutates If that happens, creates a more dangerous variant

DISEASE IN THE NETHERLANDS:. In 2003 the Dutch poultry affected by avian influenza (H7N7). Were chickens, turkeys and ducks on 1349 poultry farms slain. Are 30.7 million agricultural and farm animals culled in total. 19 people in the killing of the sick animals were involved, were infected with the virus. A veterinarian Rosmalen thereto is deceased. In the years after the virus resurfaced with some regularity, but the infection could each be limited to at most a few companies




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