Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Eindhoven makes bridge of hemp and flax – Telegraaf.nl

    The fourteen-meter-long pedestrian bridge is special. “All materials are one hundred percent organic; the ‘ingredients’ of the biocomposiet are biovezel, biohars and bioschuim. Except for the steel bolts. There are already a few other biobruggen in our country, but which are only partially organic", says TU/e researcher and project leader at wageningen university, Empire Block.

    And though it weighs the bridge 'but' 1500 kilos, four times less than an ordinary bridge, at a trial, he managed to make seven tons to post and bow this is a small thirty millimetres. Block: “The ‘hennepbrug” means five hundred kilogram per square metre, as the standard prescribes.”

    Students of the Technical universities in Eindhoven and Delft and of the roc’s have the bridge in the past weeks built.


    The biobrug, result of cooperation of research institutions and companies, there is a year. “In that time, we look with 28 sensors on moisture, temperature and UV-light with the support structure and the biocomposiet do. Moisture will be the biggest challenge", suspect the engineer. “But also, existing bridges are not made for the eternity, also, as a regular bridge as the Merwedebrug is a lifetime.”

    According to Block can biocomposiet a sustainable alternative to environmentally harmful construction materials. “For the making of steel is, for example, enormous amount of oil needed. But with the use of biocomposiet in structures, we can reduce our dependence on finite fossil raw materials such as oil.

    This bridge is economically not comparable with an ordinary bridge; especially biohars is expensive because, due to the (still) low demand is not a mass product. With mass production the price will surely drop. I think that we have such biological materials are becoming more and more buildings will see."

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