Friday, August 1, 2014

Amsterdam crowded and dirty? – Fun work; enterprising news recreation

Amsterdam crowded and dirty? – Fun work; enterprising news recreation

If we are to believe the open letter from Wim Pijbes, director of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam NRC Next then sunk to a questionable level; “Dirty, filthy and full ‘. Matilda Ligtvoet Amsterdam Marketing recognizes only the critical part: “Especially when it comes to garbage on the streets, the situation is much better than a few years ago. I also hear back from journalists around I regularly lead our city “

However Ligtvoet does not bother with the critical letter”. The indicates that Pijbes feels part of the city, and I see that as a positive. “

 bustle or dirty chaos for the Rijksmuseum?

bustle or dirty chaos for the Rijksmuseum?

More and more tourists the other hand it is true, however, that more and more tourists come to Amsterdam. That issue, and the inconvenience that entails, is the beginning of this month to discuss the Balance who organized Amsterdam Marketing. Growth will continue to increase in the coming years. Expected More and more countries in the world to save traveling. Particularly from Asia, the growth increased. And many must-see attractions have limited capacity. Amsterdam is an international destination and also has some attractions in the house. At several places the huge flow of tourists become a nuisance and hefty queues
But as you know Amsterdam has ever orakeld:. “Every disadvantage has its advantage.” By spreading more locations inbound tourism; outside Amsterdam, the pressure on the capital and reduced benefit other regions along the tourist magnet. Amsterdam Marketing has pursued an active policy to spread the tourist flow more; also to other Dutch cities and regions.

Moral decay
Also in the letter of Pijbes discussed some issues related to moral decay. So he is disturbed by including prostitution, the waste leaves the itinerant street trading and illegal short stay rentals
“These are issues that had to be addressed.” Let Ligtvoet Amsterdam Marketing know.; “For the distressing situation of women in the Amsterdam prostitution is working for many years on a project to prevent this. There clearly is Amsterdam on the right track. In the area of ​​”junk on the street, I do not agree with Pijbes, because I notice that the city has become. Correct cleaner in recent years Journalists who after some years again back in the city recognize that too. Illegal renting to tourists is a fairly recent problem. Also, there are now taken action “

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