Friday, February 3, 2017

28 parties to participate in elections –

    Nineteen political parties in the Netherlands on the ballot for the general election on 15 march.

    in the previous elections in 2012 were 21 parties. If all of the 28 parties to participate, match the upcoming elections, those of 1971 and 1981. That was a post-war record. In the elections of 1922, there were 53 parties.

    Simons does not everywhere

    Thus, Sylvana Simons not enough ondersteuningsverklaringen together gathered in the constituencies Leeuwarden and Assen. They will get no airtime for political parties. Three parties, including GeenPeil, do not only participate in the constituency Bonaire.De VrouwenPartij, Respect and the by Rita Verdonk founded, Proud of the Netherlands do not at all anymore. These parties have failed to make a deposit of more than 11,000 euros.

    TONS and Vrouwenpartij to the right

    Proud of the Netherlands announced immediately a step to the right. The party called the whole state of affairs is unconstitutional and a “charade”. The question for the court is 11.25 euros paid in place of 11.250 euro deposit, thus partijkopstuk Sander van den Raadt. When the draw for the numbers were the current parties in the Second Chamber of the first eleven places, with the VVD as the largest in the last elections at number 1. Of the newcomers is the Ondernemerspartij of Hero Brinkman 12, VoorNederland on 13 and THINK 14. Article 1 of Sylvana Simons coming on 21. Not only Proud of the Netherlands, also the Vrouwenpartij get to the court. The electoral council left Friday to know that those two parties (and the party with Respect to the general election to participate, because they are the deposit of 11.250 euro have not met. Both parties are fighting this decision.

    Results delayed for a moment

    The electoral council had the decision about who is allowed to participate in the parliamentary elections delayed for a moment. Actually, the electoral council already at 16.00 well-known want to make, but because some of the parties just before the deadline, their data, to surrender, was the publication for more than an hour delayed.According to a spokeswoman from the electoral council in closed the door of the central electoral committee to three hours. “But at five to three, the parties have forms turned in. We need more time to have all the information to check and process", according to the zegsvrouw.

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