Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Professors: dyslexia is a result of poor education – NOS

The fact that a growing number of children are diagnosed with dyslexia and dyscalculia, is not to the children, but is the result of poor education. That set of three professors in the AD. With the children themselves would be little to the hand.

“I ask myself even whether dyslexia exists,” says Anna Bosman, a professor at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. They do since 2007, scientific research into dyslexia. Some schools, meanwhile, 30 percent of the students classified as dyslexic, something which the minister Bussemaker earlier, her worries about uttered.

If children have difficulty with reading, or arithmetic, is the cause almost always when the child sought, says Bosman. “We forgot to check whether a good education is given”, she says to the newspaper. “They should just stamp”, is her conclusion. “Every day a dictation.”

Fellow scientists to support her complaint. Kees Vernooy, an authority in the area of this: “There is scientific evidence that children need to practice. That repetition is necessary. But that is not love.”

The Groningen professor Ben Maassen, also an expert in the field of dyslexia: “The practice is now that children with dyslexia don’t have to read and to spell, while they understand more of practice.”

For dyscalculia, or rekenblindheid, the same applies. Bosman notes that the lack of basic skills: addition, multiplication, tables.

During an intensive rekentraining of six weeks went fifty students in a study of Bosman were on average a year and a half in level forward. “Almost all students are able to use this skills to acquire.”


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