Sunday, February 5, 2017

G4 join forces against thuiszitten –

The four major cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht), and eight partnerships have for the first time, concrete agreements have been made to the number of thuiszitters sharply to drop. They are going to arrange that young people who thuiszitten faster get help from the care, that school transport is not a problem anymore is if there is a onderwijsplek is found and that everything is put in terms of prevention.

The cities and the partnerships to make their events known on the eve of the second Thuiszitterstop. The appointments are a regional elaboration of the national Thuiszitterspact. That was last year closed by state secretary Dekker (Education) and Van Rijn (public Health) to work together with the ministry of Security and Justice, municipalities, associations and schools to ensure that by 2020 no child longer than three months at home without an appropriate educational provision.

“The agreement can now truly make for a national breakthrough,” says driver Marc Dullaert, who on behalf of Dekker and Van Rijn with all involved parties to the table has been to get results. “There is a unique bridge between the municipalities and the partnerships. And if this is in the G4, then it is all over the place.'

Concrete goals

There are now concrete goals agreed on. Thus, the number of thuiszitters annually with a minimum of 25 percent. “We have in Rotterdam seen that it helps to have concrete goals. That is why we do this now in the whole of the G4, ” says Hugo de Jonge, alderman of Rotterdam. Last year were a total of 4200 children for longer than three months at home. A significant part of it comes from the big cities.

The number of pupils that is exempted from education, because they have physical or psychological problems (the so-called exemption 5 (a), must annually, by 10 percent. If the proper care is quickly available, can exemptions be prevented. Therefore, children can, with a little help, just going to school with their own friends and girlfriends.

This will require that all parties to the table. 'Working together is the key. That’s what we see here in Amsterdam, where compulsory education, health care and education together to find a solution for children who thuiszitten, ” says Simone Kukenheim, alderman in Amsterdam.


in Addition, prevention play a more important role. In schools jeugdhulpteams to view which students have a chance to fall out. Leerplichtambtenaren go regularly consult with jeugdartsen and also long-term sickness absence must now be reported to the partnership. 'Thuiszitten is the worst thing a child can happen. It is precisely through prevention and collaboration, we ensure that children have an appropriate place in school', says Jeroen Kreijkamp, city councillor in Utrecht.

Also the procurement of youth assistance will from now on together with the partnership are determined, so that it fits with what the thuiszitters need. Often is a waiting list for psychological help for teens reason not to go to school. The cities want to do. 'The threshold for this type of care is reduced: thuiszitten is a threat to the development of a child and so reason enough to specialist to get help from the youth MENTAL health care', says Ingrid van Engelshoven, alderman in The Hague.

A good thing, Marieke Dekkers, member of the board of directors of joint Rate VO in Rotterdam, because the cause of thuiszitten almost always a combination of both education and jeugdhulpproblematiek, and thus a joint responsibility of school, partnership and branch.

Everyone hard at work

Dekker and Van Rijn are happy with the arrangements. 'The thuiszittersproblematiek is complex. It turns out to be very difficult to get children quickly back into the school. Therefore, it is good that everyone – and especially the G4 now so hard at work to help these kids, ” says Dekker. The secretary of state adds: “There is for regions no longer an excuse to stay behind. This is the time to roll up the sleeves.'

The G4 also ask the help of the empire, among others, to improve the verzuimregistratie, the support to municipalities and partnerships, support of justice for litigation as quickly and easily as possible, and to conduct integrated supervision of the inspections. We will examine together where we could help,' says van Rijn. 'Eventually, all barriers broken down, whether they are local or national, or in the areas of education, health care or justice, so that these children simply come to school.'


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